Wolf Howl 12.08.2021

Howl Howl News
A White-Wolf Ministries & AJ White-Wolf Newsletter
December 1, 2021
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Greetings, this is Advent season. This week's meditation is Peace.

“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit. Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset." - Saint Francis de Sales


This is the second week of Advent and it is the contemplation for the theme of Peace. This certainly can be a sense of physical peace between factions. Meaning that Countries at war would lay down their arms and dismantle conflicts. It certainly is a noble meditation. A beautiful thing to hope for. 

Last week I had spoken about Hope. The need to allow for things to come. One of those things can be peace in your life. St. Francis de Sales put it so eloquently in the above quote. The kind of peace I long for during advent. Is the peace within my heart space. A calm that is able to face all things. Regardless of whether they are good or bad events. 

In the Hebrew language, there is a word "Shalom" it is often used as a greeting or a general statement of Peace in someone's life. The deeper meaning of this word is a sense of peace that permeates the soul. A sense of oneness with all of creation. The Spirit, The sky, The creatures of the earth, The ground we walk on, and yes even our neighbors. A peace that already exists and permeates everything. It is the chaos of our daily lives that blocks us from experiencing that Peace. 

In my daily walk, I continue to look for ways to radiate that shalom kind of peace out onto the world. It is a vibration and yes other humans have free will. But we can hope for a world where other humans no longer live in fear. Where other people receive the love we project out from our very being. Practicing kindness creates incredible peace in the lives of others. The kind of peace like Shalom Peace. A peace that permeates all things.

It just dawned on me in this morning's meditation. Spirit speaks to me a lot in this manner. I could be more peaceful when I am out driving my car. At times I can get so agitated by other drivers. Someone I admire named Dave, told me once that when he is driving and people do stuff they shouldn't. He just says "Namaste." I am going to do my best to remember when I am walking in public, or driving my car. I can be peaceful to the world. It is my choice to do so. This includes not driving aggressively. But learning to pump the brakes at times and slow my own roll. I am going to do my part with the emotional check too. To do my best not to get upset and other drivers when on the road. This is foolish energy that gets me no closer to my destination. I choose today, to be peaceful. Namaste

It is my hope during this week of Avent that your very soul is connected to a Shalom kind of Peace. The kind of peace that is already there. Allowing your ability to align with that perfect vibration of peace.

Shalom La Hite Tra Ote (May you have that peace I spoke about in your life, see you soon) - Reverend AJ


"I am at peace, I am pushing the reset button. I do this through the power of now."

Acts Of Kindness

Last week I was able to gift a very special young teen a harmonica microphone and a practice amp. Now he has the tools to practice his favorite talent which is beatboxing.

There are more details here:

Secret Santa's For UOM

We had three secret Santa purchases for the Church. I am hoping for two more. If you can afford $45.00 for a camera.

They can be done here:

This will give more camera angles for the live stream services. This in turn speaks to the younger generation and I believe this is how we boost our online attendance.

If you prefer to send a check it can be done to the address at the bottom of this Newsletter.

The Magnets Are In

The new refrigerator magnets are in.



Communion & Prayer Needs

Over the years I have heard of many who were denied Communion or Prayer simply because of their lifestyle, or political alignment, as well as Church affiliations. This has vexed me for a long time and it is my desire to be the change in this world that I pray for daily. I am offering individualized communion or prayer needs. White-Wolf Ministries has purchased individualized cups. The wafer and the juice are individually sealed in each container. So that there is no fear of contamination! No one will be spurned for wishing to partake of communion. Contact Reverend AJ via the information in the footer for any of these needs to be met. 

Prayer requests can be done in private sessions via zoom, or over the phone. 

Homeless Ministry

I continue to collect things for the Homeless. New and Gently used items are lovely.

I am looking into sewing oversized insulated Panchos that can double as a layer or blanket. Gently used or brand new blankets and comforters would be lovely for this project.

The following link contains greater details and the wish list of items needed for this year's Homeless Needs Drive.


Repair The World Vigils

Wednesdays 5 PM U.S. CST

Vigil for peace within and throughout all that is. 

The links for YouTube and Zoom are here:

Prayer & Meditation
Monday & Friday 8:30-9:00 AM UST

Link To Livestream pages

Prayer & Meditation

Session Archives

Support This Ministry Financially

White-Wolf Ministries continues to explore and grow.

To Donate Electronically, There are a few options here:

White-Wolf Ministries is not a Business or a Non-Profit. It is a grassroots effort to make a difference.

Some are reluctant to do so electronically White-Wolf Ministries' contact information is listed in the footer of this announcement. 

Document Created December 8, 2021 By AJ White-Wolf
