Monthly archives: December, 2019

The Pews Are Empty

A phenomenon I am witnessing as I visit different Churches. Often there isn’t a full Congregational presence. What I mean by this is there are many empty seats. Then on holidays or special events. Those same Churches are packed. In this new millennia. These institutions are going to have to change in order to grow. …

Changing Twitter Habits

There is this massive throttle on Twitter, it is called Deboosting. It basically holds you back on your reach and your responses to others. Including when other’s respond to you. This nonsense is anti-networking on Social Media Platforms. It is not just limited to Twitter, this process happens on other sites too. Twitter is just …

Challenge To Religious Institutions

The Homeless situation is a difficult journey to comprehend if you yourself have not had to endure this hardship. Many who are on the streets are there with no fault as their own as the cause. It is the result of many issues that create obstacles for obtaining affordable safe Housing.  My challenge to the …