Monthly archives: May, 2022

Meditations Sessions Being Cut Back

There doesn’t seem to be a whole lot of interest in a daily program. I have had some major life-changing events happen in my apartment building. I need to prioritize things so that I can move on. The meditation sessions will be a once-a-week program beginning in June of 2022. The day of the week …

Needing To Vacate My Apartment

If you have been following the local news media. A terrible event happened in the apartment directly below me. The domestic violence that erupted is a darkness that I cannot comprehend. I am needing to move. I am hoping to be out within two weeks. I have a small camper in storage that I can …

Video Segments Coming Soon

I have been adding writings and information to the White-Wolf Ministries archives. In the event of my own transition happening. I will make sure that there are YouTube equivalents to the various text on my site. My reasoning should I pass away, this website may or may not be maintained. It would disappear if no …

Shorter Meditation Sessions

I have cut approximately 15 minutes out of the program reducing it from a half-hour session to a fifteen-minute one. I am discovering that a half-hour program is difficult for beginners to embrace. As well as keep the more advanced seeker. If people want a longer session, we can revisit that down the road as …