Wolf Howl 03.16.2021

Howl Howl News
A White-Wolf Ministries & AJ White-Wolf Newsletter
March 16, 2022
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“Be so positive that negative people don’t want to be around you.”

Carpe Diem - Seize The Day

Greetings, I hope that today you are experiencing joy with restorative personal power!

When opportunity knocks, you answer the door. You don't just stand behind it and say "who's there?" you open it and allow it to happen. Walking with the abilities of great strength and good courage. In April, two wonderful people who have admired and adored my ability to love others. Has asked me to officiate the ceremony for their wedding. I am looking forward to this. I long to do the things of ministry in real-time with other human beings. People who wish to connect with the sacredness of situations. A wedding is just that and so much more!

This pandemic really put the breaks on my ability to be involved with public speaking situations. I recognize its limitations and accept it for what it is. however, I am ready, willing, and able to do so much more!

This week I provide a topic on the breath and the importance of mindful meditation. Allowing the body, mind, and soul to align with the spiritual. I cover some of the items that exist in my spiritual toolbox for anyone that may need them.

I truly hope that you are able to seize the day and find your purpose on your path. Finding those things that no longer serve you and releasing them, Namaste - Reverend AJ

Hutch Update

A valuable life lesson Hutch has been teaching me is to just live in the moment. He is so content to just hang out and not have to be up to anything. On Friday morning during The Garden Of Love Podcast. I had noticed at one point that Hutchie was laying on the couch. In the early morning hours, there is a wonderful amount of sunshine that beams into the apartment. The couch is the sweet spot for that. He loves to just lay in that sunshine and bask in the rays. Heating up his little body.

Then later on in the evening, I had taken him outside for his regular walk. He discovered a stick and grabbed it. He pranced and trotted with that stick on his entire walk. Then proceeded to bring it back to the apartment with him. He was content and busy with that thing for a good half hour. 

I am reminded of the Eric Butterworth saying that I used in Friday morning's session. Don't go through life, Grow through life. Hutch is a perfect example of how to do that. Just live in the power of now and experience the love of life.

Hutchie hasn't seen his sister in weeks. She had picked up a virus at the doggie daycare center that she sometimes visits. On Saturday his mom was walking Rosie and Hutchie saw her from two blocks away. He refused to move until Anna and Rosie caught up with us. They played and played. It was so much fun to see them enjoy each other. We are going to have a play date soon for them. They really love each other and both of them perk up a lot when they get to have time.

Yesterday, Hutchie decided he was going to take a drink of my ice tea sitting on the table. I said in my very alpha voice "what are you doing? You don't do that!" This little dog jumped down and trotted off to his crate giving himself a timeout. I have never used the crate as a punishment, this is a very natural thing for him. I of course started to laugh at this comical situation. He sat in there for a good twenty minutes. I love this dog so much.

Breathing Techniques

This week I focus on the benefits of breathing techniques in my mindful meditation practice. I speak about the charity of the Gimel, and how it feeds the body. I compare this to the breath and the body in meditation. The Gimel is a mystery that has intrigued me for a very long time. The breath can bring clarity and peace of mind in troubled times. It can also aid in longevity and healing, as well as keeping the mind young and vibrant.

The Breath In Meditation


I recently mentioned the creation of YouTube Shorts from The Garden Of Love Podcasts. I have created a new page on my site for the silent meditation segment of The Garden Of Love Podcast sessions. This section on the website is dedicated to providing only the Meditation segment of the services. I wish to provide nourishment to people in ways that they may want it. Rather than restricting them to my ideas of what a spiritual walk should look like. The segment has video and audio components. Some may need the video to go deeper, while others may choose to just turn their screen off and listen. Both methods are acceptable in my opinion. The Silent Meditations are fifteen minutes long. Ten minutes of instrumental music, followed by five minutes of complete silence. The page has a video playlist for consecutive sessions. As well as a direct YouTube link. Below that are the individual sessions listed as links themselves.

The Garden Of Love Meditations 2022

The White-Wolf Ministries YouTube Channel

Please consider subscribing to my channel. It will help me a lot. I cannot change it to a unique channel name until I have one hundred subscribers. you just sign in with your Google account to do so. If you don't have a google account I encourage you to sign up with one. There are a number of benefits to this. Feel free to contact me to find out what those are.

The White-Wolf Ministries YouTube Channel

Song Of The Day

One of my all-time favorite bands is The Dead Can Dance. The music is amazing and takes me places in a transcendental way. Sometimes the lyric content is in English, Sometimes it is Gaelic, Others in Sanskrit.

"Children Of The Sun" by The Dead Can Dance

How May I Serve You?
  • Communion
  • Prayer requests
  • Memorial Service
  • Wedding Ceremonies
  • Guest Speaker
  • Audio & Video Support
  • Special Music Performance
  • Private Sessions
  • Online Zoom Support


The Garden Of Love
Daily 8:30-9:00 AM US CST
Daily 8:30-9:00 PM US CST

Centering, Releasing, Reflection, Listening, Processing, Resetting

Link To Livestream

Session Archives

Session Shorts



AJ had a rather devastating apartment fire on October 1, 2020. The recovery process has been hard and long. There is approximately 10k debt from trying to rebuild. But there are still many more things needed for everyday life. He currently has two monthly sponsors. A dozen more a month would substantially help in the recovery process. 

Donations can be done here:

Document Created March 16, 2022

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