The Transcript is beneath the video
This pandemic has certainly created a lot of hardships. So many people are living in uncertainty. So many souls have perished and families grieving for the loss of loved ones. It can be very difficult to maintain a positive attitude with so much pain and fear on the news, and social media. I have been deeply concerned about this and I know that many others are too. It makes fighting anxiety and depression a difficult task to master. Fortunately, one way to still maintain contact with others is to interact virtually and use technology to stay connected.
A method that I have been utilizing is Zoom meetings; Zoom is a video-conferencing site that is free to use. Using Zoom I have been able to attend twice-weekly classes for the Stephen's Ministry training. It has proven to be a good distraction from my frustrations and concerns by giving me something outside of myself to focus on. In addition to that, I have been helping facilitate some of the daily 7:30 A.M. Bashford UMC Virtual Prayer Room meetings. A men's group that I have been a part of for some time meets every week on Zoom too. Additionally, we have been holding the Unity Friday Fellowship through Zoom. I was able to host a very successful 8:30 A.M. Sunday Prayer & Meditation service on April 5th. I look forward to more over time.
Please know that I have decided to step up security on my website. I get several hundred attempts at hacking a day, especially on the Sign Up page, and I want my site to be safe for all users. If you get redirected to the Sign-Up page, it is because you have not signed-in or created a username and password.
I am considering switching gears concerning the Wolf Howl Monthly E-Newsletter and doing a YouTube video. The link for the text would be posted underneath the video. The information will be on the video content, but some may want to go deeper on my site. There are many pages that I have set to various restriction levels. It is my way of giving access to Clients, Sponsors, Colleagues, and Peers.
I Continue To Stay Focused On Ministry
I have been working hard on getting some of my writings completed. I hope to be self-published by next year as a way to continue to help others with my Ministry. As you are probably aware, my main objective is to serve the homeless and those at risk. I will also continue to serve progressive churches.
I would appreciate feedback on these various items and other topics I write about. There are many options for this. One can comment underneath the document itself, or email me directly. Please know that you do not have to attach your name to any postings on my website. At the beginning of the internet era, most used pseudonyms or nicknames to post things or to chat. I encourage you do do that if you are not comfortable with posting your name on a page.

Here are a few of my ponderings:

1) Triangulation - The Destroyer Of Communities

Triangulation is a type of manipulation. I am forever amazed at how many in the Church know they should not do this but continue to do so anyway. I have seen many Church Members in various Churches leave those Houses of Worship because of insensitive and critical minded individuals who place judgment on others. Or, they will seek out someone to manipulate them to get what they want out of a particular situation or service. These people don’t see the bigger picture, service to the entire community, and not service to self. I would appreciate it if you read the article and add any comments underneath the document. Feedback can be emailed directly to me if you choose not to post on the website.

2) Healthy Boundaries - Knowing when to say yes, or no

Recently I had a few different encounters with three distinctly different personalities. I dive into it a little bit deeper and explain the details of having healthy boundaries. When to allow your inner voice to guide you and to permit yourself to say yes or no to someone, without feeling shame or guilt over it.

3) Supporting The Ministry - A Strong Foundation

I use an example from the Book of Exodus to demonstrate the need to support our Clergy. The passage from this Book contained in the Law of Moses is a tremendous metaphor in support of our Spiritual Leaders. An area of support for our Clergy includes a Devotional Prayer life that lifts them up. Also having members of the Community volunteer for some of the not so glamorous tasks within the Church itself.

4) The Prayer Of St. Francis - Prayer For Peace

It is speculated that the Prayer of Saint Francis, was probably never written by him. Scholars agree that it didn't show up in the historical timeline until around 1912. So I meditated on this and thought, what would the Prayer For Peace look like had there been a modern contemporary Saint Francis. This was the result.
YouTube Channel
I recently implemented a White-Wolf Ministries YouTube Channel. I would appreciate some "likes" and subscribers to my channel. The more subscribers I get, the sooner I can specify a channel name. YouTube limits that ability until you post a certain amount of content and have a certain amount of subscribers too. If I post a specified amount of video and get a certain number of followers, I will then be able to monetize the content, which may generate revenue for White-Wolf Ministries. Something that really could be a benefit to homeless and those at risk of loosing Housing.

White-Wolf Ministries YouTube Channel

8:30 Prayer & Meditation Update

I have been getting a lot of incredible positive feedback. This has been a wonderful experience for me. I am involved with 8:30 Prayer & Meditation because of a very deep commitment to facilitate and hope for a deeper relationship in the center for myself, and for others.

I have spoken with The Reverend Evin Wilkins about this and we both agree that people could potentially benefit from a greater frequency. So beginning May 4, 2020, we will be doing 8:30 Prayer & Meditation on Monday, Friday, and Sunday mornings. This will cover the week well as our beloved Josie Collins has been hosting a Prayer Circle on Wednesdays at Noon on Zoom.

It has been my pleasure to serve in this capacity and I will continue as long as this is needed. I can see us continuing even after the stay at home orders are lifted. I truly believe that when Churches get to Praying and Meditating. The flare for drama and arguments becomes substantially less of a problem. Because more people are connected to their center and able to speak their truth in love. 

I have a paid account on Zoom. It allows me to download the Service and edit it in a condensed format. I then have been uploading those to my youtube account. The original recording with the music will be parked on zoom for a period of two days. So if you miss a service, but would like to participate with the original recording, or the edited version. That is available to you. I am parking the information here:

Please know that I in no way am trying to take away from the Ministry of the Church. I am just trying to enhance it. Nothing more, nothing less. 



Make A Wish
On Earth Day, I had the absolute pleasure of being a part of a young person's twelfth birthday. It was requested of Make-A-Wish Foundation that this young fellow, who is wheelchair dependent, receive a drive by parade. He could not have a Birthday Party because of the Stay At Home Orders, and besides that he could potentially get infected. There were three fire trucks, several police cars, and over twenty cars participating. I did not know him, that was not the point I just wanted to make him smile. But the curious thing was that while I was giving him a gift, he was giving me one. Maya Angelou said, "Be someone else's rainbow today." Which is exactly what I did for this young man and he did for me. He was beaming with joy from the experience. As I drove away to my home. I was overwhelmed with tears of love and kindness. It was such a blessing to be able to give a small part of myself to another, especially during these uncommon days.
Vehicle For A Single Mom
Help Needed. I have an acquaintance who is always doing her best to be a light-bearer to the world. She and her two beautiful boys have experienced and survived abuse. She needs a vehicle. At the moment, she and her boys are pretty much apartment bound. I am hoping to raise enough funds to find her a good solid running car, supply a gas card to get her started, and provide one year of AAA 200 mile service membership package. I asked her what would be the perfect vehicle for her. She would like a small SUV so that she could take her boys on camping trips, and go shopping which would make her life much easier. Can you imagine going Grocery shopping with two boys? Your only means of transportation is to take the city bus? One of her wishes is to visit family in Edgerton and the Janesville areas. It may seem like it isn't that far away, but when you don't have a car, it is a great distance to travel. If you would like to help make this happen, or you know of a vehicle that would be good for her, please let me know.
Be Present To Life
I know things seem a bit difficult right now. That life appears to be throwing us curve balls. I encourage you to be present to life, to live to your fullest potential. To embrace the center-most sacred aspect of your being, your core. Just allow yourself time to rest, but also know when to be active again!



Donations For April 2020 Total $350.00

Expenditures For April 2020 $5,541.79

Tithes For April 2020; $155.00




Document Created on April 10, 2020 by AJ White-Wolf

Document Updated and Edited on April 17, 2020 by AJ White-Wolf

Document Updated and Edited on April 23, 2020 by AJ White-Wolf

Document Updated and Edited on April 24 2020 by AJ White-Wolf

Document Edited and Revised on April 25, 2020 By Ghost Writer

Document Updated, Edited, and Revised on April 26, 2020 by AJ White-Wolf

