Howl Howl News
A White-Wolf Ministries & AJ White-Wolf Newsletter
May 04, 2022
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May The Fourth Be With You
Greetings, what a great time for movies and warm blankets.
Today is Star Wars Day, so a popular thing is to say May the fourth be with you on May fourth of every year. Young and old everywhere will be breaking out all things Star Wars. The struggle that Luke goes through within is an amazing journey to watch. Throughout the entire film series.
Unlearn Your Pain
This week I met the pain specialist. He is an amazing Doctor. He takes a different approach to medicine. He does not just treat the symptom. But tries to go to the root of it and work on that. He pushed on the knot in the piriformis muscle and I actually felt him move it. This thing has not moved since the early eighties! He treated me on Monday, yes I still have pain but it has gone from a seven down to a four.
Dr. Takahashi also talked to me about unlearning your pain. He is convinced that the brain tells our muscles to tighten up and protect things. even if there is no danger in that area. Over time you can reprogram yourself into allowing that pain to diminish. I like the concept and will be diving into this deeper as time permits.
It occurs to me that unlearning your pain can be more than just a physical element. That spiritually, Mentally, and physically; we can unlearn our pain. I am going to be focusing on this and seeing where it goes. I will be happy to share with you the results over time.
Every one of us is blessed, Namaste - Reverend AJ
Brother Lawrence Of The Resurrection
I learned about this amazing human being when the Reverend Evin Wilkins mentioned that I remind him of Brother Lawrence. I immediately had to do the research to discover it for myself.
Once an acquaintance of mine said that she knew when I entered the Church. She could feel peace roll into the room. She informed me it was a weathered peace. Meaning it was the result of going through many of life’s storms and coming out on the other side of it in the center with God. That peace is the peace I imagine Brother Lawrence experiencing in his own walk with God.
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
Audrey Hepburn
Hutch Update
Hutchie is doing great. Last night he got to have a play date with his sister Rosie. They were having a ball. They didn't sit at rest for one minute. Played for the entire hour or so. He crashed pretty hard when she left.
Coming Soon
I have been kicking around the idea of an instrumental music mix using my DJ Mixing board. This would become a live-streamed event. So look for this in the near future!
There was a love offering on April 29th. But for some reason, the Zelle system is not playing nice with my Credit Union. I am investigating this further later on today.
Jefferey James came to me a few years ago. He has performed several times on my programs when I was running my Independent TV Station Red Dragon TV. This guy's music spoke to me from the first note. I encouraged him to reach out beyond the conventional wisdom for performing. I am so glad he stayed out of the bar/club scene. He has performed at churches worldwide and is doing quite well. His music isn't particularly religious, but it is deeply spiritual. In that, he expresses his journies in the muse. He is a magnificent human being living in sobriety now.
The video will be familiar to Madisonians. Jeffrey seems like he really has found his peace. I am very happy for him.

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Document Created May 04, 2022