Howl Howl News
A White-Wolf Ministries & AJ White-Wolf Newsletter
March 23, 2022
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Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.
Henry Van Dyke
Be A Light In The World
Greetings, I hope that today you are experiencing joy with restorative personal power!
This last Friday, I saw two Robins together. They were looking for nesting material. Which means baby Robins in the near future. It was my first Robin sighting of the year. It is usually a very good indicator for me that warmer temperatures are coming. Robin Medicine is great energy to receive during the month of March!
I would greatly appreciate your good thoughts and prayers. My lower back and hip have been troubling me a lot. It is difficult to move around on most days. Rising from a laying down position is quite painful.
On Monday morning, I was out cleaning the trash around our building and I had discovered a cell phone in the gutter. I spent most of the morning trying to find out who the owner was. The phone was in Spanish so I could not understand any of what the context was on the phone. The phone had a Facebook account on it. So finally after a couple of hours of calling Cricket to find the owner, and texting a couple of the phone numbers that were called. I posted to Facebook "my name is Reverend AJ and I have your phone. You should call your number." Ten minutes later the phone rang. Turns out the gentleman lived across the street. He showed up around twenty minutes later to retrieve it. He asked me how much money I wanted. I said I do not want your money I just wanted you to have your property back. He was stunned. He thanked me and left. It is so important to be a lighthouse to the world at all times. You never know whose life you may influence or affect!
I truly hope that you are able to love and be loved. Learning to accept things about yourself and things about others, Namaste - Reverend AJ
Hutch Update
My little man Hutch continues to push me. I am not able to just lay in sedentary positions, because a puppy is a very high maintenance being. He needs many walks throughout the day. Which forces me to move even when my sore body says it does not want to. A puppy has to do what a puppy needs to do outside.
On Friday evening I became very light-headed. I had to lay down on the cool tile floor for a minute. My wonderful fur baby jumped down from where he was chilling and came over sitting right next to my head. He was showing concern for me. Dogs are so empathic it is amazing.
On Monday morning. I heard Hutchie playing with something tossing it around the room. I discovered it was a bicentennial quarter that he had grabbed out of a dish in the bedroom. This dog, haha! He definitely keeps me on my toes. That would have been super bad if he had swallowed it. It would have been a trip to the vet for sure.
Awe, he use to be so tiny!
Let Love Build Your House
This week's article is on allowing love in our lives. The kind of love that resonates within our core. Allowing us to love ourselves, our friends, and even the stranger.
Baaba Maal is an exceptional artist from Senegal West Africa. He combines the music of his people with his schooling in Europe for his music degree and creates a sound that is out of this world.
I had seen him perform twice in Madison. Once at the Civic Center and another time at the Memorial Union Theater. He is a very gifted and talented artist. You can feel and sense the fire of the Divine in him. When his band performed at the Memorial Union Theater. I am pretty sure they had to reattach the seats to the ground after the show. After around twenty minutes of his performance. He stopped the band and said "Madison, you have the fire that we have in Africa. So we are throwing out the setlist. We are just going to play for you." Then they kicked it in high gear and I was in tears for the rest of the show. It was amazing and I felt like I had been schooled that day on what a true entertainer looks like.
When I was watching the movie The Black Panther. I was elated to hear his very familiar voice singing the songs throughout the movie. He is just so powerful and distinct. Often, I have no clue what he is singing about. I don't really care, the music takes me places and that is all that matters.
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Document Created March 23, 2022