Wolf Howl 03.09.2021 Draft

Howl Howl News
A White-Wolf Ministries & AJ White-Wolf Newsletter
March 09, 2022
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Greetings, I hope that today you are walking in peace and speaking your truth!

“Be so positive that negative people don’t want to be around you.”

Light Appears At The End Of The Tunnel

Spring is coming, it is just around the corner. Yes, we got hit with a snowstorm this week. It was a gentle reminder from our mother that it is not time to plant just yet. But we can anticipate a warming trend and more gentle days in the future. A light is appearing at the end of the tunnel. Soon we will be able to step out of the grip of winter's cave and walk into a valley of spring. Life will be flourishing and popping out with new plant life, there will be new leaves and new flower petals. Have you noticed the birds are singing their songs louder? Spring beckons in the winds of change.

This week I provide a new article called The Four Quadrants - Achieving Balance. It is a life lesson that had a profound effect on me over thirty years ago. Some of the tools I use in my spiritual toolbox. The balancing effort of finances, environment, peers, and purpose. When I fail or find myself spiraling downward. I often go back and revisit this lesson taught to me so many years ago.

I am not seeing many opportunities being presented for public speaking. So I continue on the course I am on. Working The Garden Of Love program. I have a couple of other things that I am stewing and pondering on. One would be an instrumental music half-hour program. Which would allow room for individuals to perform their own meditation techniques without much direction from me. I am considering a few book study ideas too. One, in particular, is Lord Byron Beaverbrook's powerful book that I speak about in The Four Quadrants document linked below.

I truly hope that you are in a good place and whole in good health, Namaste - Reverend AJ

Hutch Update

Hutchie is still so vibrant and full of life. But very gentle at the same time. This amazing six-month-old creature has done so much for me. He makes any emotional or physical pain so much less of a hindrance. He currently is around twenty-two inches high. I am hoping for around two feet tall when he is done with his growth spurts. When I hand him a treat, he comes in so gently and takes it like the perfect boy that he is. I believe that he has fully grown past doing his business in the apartment and waits patiently for me to take him on his walks several times a day. I removed the training pad from the floor last week as he has not touched it in over a month. I believe it is safe to say he is housebroken. I really am looking forward to spring so that I can take him out on longer journies and implement deeper training strategies for him. He is such an amazing blessing in my life. I recently had to move my television up onto a shelf. Hutchie thinks when I lay down to watch a program that it is playtime. He insists I throw his pet lion hundreds of times. He was blocking my view often of the program I was watching. There are worse problems in life that one can have for sure.


One of the greatest lessons that I have ever received was from my clinical psychologist Pancho Oyarbide. He empowered me with some basic tools that would help sustain and allow my personal growth over the years. He was my therapist in the late eighties and into the early nineties. Those lessons have stuck with me and I continue to contemplate them often. Revisiting the powerful medicine shared with me so long ago.

The Four Quadrants - Achieving Balance


It is my personal desire to go deeper in God. We have entered the Lent period and I find this to be an excellent opportunity for me to expand the mindful meditation sessions called The Garden Of Love. Beginning March 10, 2020, the program will be streamed daily at 8:30 AM and PM. The link is provided below for the program.

If you are getting hit with annoying advertisements during the live stream sessions. A YouTube subscription will get rid of that. At some point, I hope to be able to purchase a streaming key and streaming service for multiple platforms. This will cost around $500.00 for the year. So it is something that I will have to work up to slowly.

The Garden Of Love will be edited following the session and the Shorts will be added to the archives as well.

Song Of The Day

Karen Drucker speaks to me on so many levels in so many of her songs. One of them is letting go of the shore and floating into the mystery. Such a powerful message of trusting in yourself and your abilities to speak your truth.

"Let Go Of The Shore" by Karen Drucker

How May I Serve You?
  • Communion
  • Prayer requests
  • Memorial Service
  • Wedding Ceremonies
  • Guest Speaker
  • Audio & Video Support
  • Special Music Performance
  • Private Sessions
  • Online Zoom Support


The Garden Of Love
Daily 8:30-9:00 AM US CST
Daily 8:30-9:00 PM US CST

Centering, Releasing, Reflection, Listening, Processing, Resetting

Link To Livestream

Session Archives

Session Shorts


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White-Wolf Ministries is not a Business or a Non-Profit. It is a grassroots effort to make a difference.

Some are reluctant to do so electronically White-Wolf Ministries' contact information is listed in the footer of this announcement. 

Document Created March 9, 2022
