Wolf Howl 03.02.2021

Howl Howl News
A White-Wolf Ministries & AJ White-Wolf Newsletter
March 3, 2022
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Greetings, I hope that you know and appreciate the value of good rest!

"You'll never find peace of mind until you listen to your heart."
George Michael

Being Gentle

As part of my daily mantra, I affirm that I will be gentle with myself so that I can bestow gentleness on others. It is imperative to me that we absolutely must take downtime for ourselves. In this fast-paced world that we live in. It feels like many are holding their breath. That is a natural reaction to fear. Take the time to rest and heal the body, mind, and soul.

Lately, my back has been troubling me a lot. I have been learning that it helps to take cycles of rest. To give myself permission to lay down when I need to. This in itself is productivity. It is productive for the body and the mind to decompress. To allow a natural slow-paced rhythm to take place within the heart space.

Please be very good and gentle with yourself, Much love - Reverend AJ


I initially wrote this document some time ago. However, I feel that its content is still relevant today. Many prophets hide in their prayer closets. Not even sharing this grace to the world through the example of radiating love.

Lightbearers: Being Of Service To Others

Hutch Update

This week has been fun with Hutchie. The other day I gave him a beef stick again. Then out of the blue, he comes back and hands me two of his toys. "Thank you, papa." 

The other day I was in the shower. Then all of a sudden a tennis ball comes flying into the shower. This dog has a way of cracking me up all day long.

This morning was a really cool big step. He jumped from his window perch to the bed. Usually, he gets down on the ground and then hops up. It was refreshing to see him getting some courage and trying new things. He did it so gracefully too, almost like a gliding jump.

A little while later, I took my janitor dustpan and rake out to the parking lot. Picking up trash. I had left the window open where his perch is. He let me know that that was not cool. That I was outside rather than in the apartment with him. Because after all, he is the little prince of the household. In the previous messages, I am paraphrasing barking like crazy.


I use to get a lot of spam emails a day. I have a system that has cut that way down.

Reporting Spam

In the email, I copy and paste the source code. There is usually a link called source somewhere on the software you use. Highlight the entire text.

Then go to: SpamCop.net

Report the offender by clicking report spam, then paste what you copied in the email. 

Click report spam.

You can also set up an account there for $15.00 for two years subscription.

Blocking And Deleting

After I report each spam email to SpamCop, I Block the sender and delete the offending message. I use to get hundreds and hundreds of spam emails a day. Now I only get around twenty. You can skip reporting the email and just block and delete too. The advantage of reporting is that you are helping other internet users. SpamCop aggressively goes after the sender by notifying its server.

Song Of The Day

I recently stumbled on a remix of Marvin Gaye's "If This World Were Mine."

"If this world were mine." by Marvin Gaye Remix by Vastrev

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Monday & Friday 8:30-9:00 PM US CST

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Document Created March 03, 2022
