The Video from when I was Guest Speaker at Unity Of Madison Church on July 21, 2019.
The first 5 1/2 minutes is the Meditation that I led, followed by my talk.
This talk had a profound effect on me. It gave me tremendous strength and courage to realize my dream of being an Inter-Faith Minister.
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Meditation 5:30
Good Morning Beloved
I'm so grateful to be with you this morning, and I'm grateful that you are here this morning as we go into our morning meditation. Let's think about being home. That's where we are, right? and so, whatever you feel comfortable with... Maybe closing your eyes, feet firmly on the floor. Breathe in this moment, and exhale whatever it took to get here. Breathe in this moment and exhale your week. Breathe in this beautiful moment and exhale the year. We are home, We are peace, we are joy, we are love. Just let Spirit love on you for a minute. God's love is real in this place. I can feel it. I feel the presence of Holy Spirit moving upon all of us. yay, even the whole City of Madison Wisconsin. The State of Wisconsin. Country, the World. Tikun Olam is a Jewish Philosophy that G-d can heal the World through us. We are the healers if we allow it to be. Each one of us has a calling and a Ministry before the Great Spirit, and so we are going to step into the silence and let G-d speak to us for our individual Ministries. Here in the silence.-- brief moment of silent meditation --
and so, we step back into this space, this room... and we invite peace, into our hearts and throughout our heart space. We invite love into our heart space. We invite unity into our heart space. We invite respect into our heart space. Think about your Brothers and your Sisters in the Church. See them receiving peace. See them receiving love. See them receiving unity. See them receiving respect. We reach out beyond these walls to where our new Minister sits, and we allow whatever needs to be done, to take place and to bring his family home. For this will be their home too. If there is anything troubling you this morning, I ask that you would lean on someone else in the room, to lift you up. If you're good, reach out in Spirit and lift up those that are struggling. Peace, Love, Unity, Respect. I am home, and so are you. Amen
Talk Title: Step Into The Mystery 19:15
Well, here we are... July Twenty-First Twenty Nine-Teen. That little boy that grew up in Madison Wisconsin is a grown man. That little boy who tolerated a lot of abuse from his peers every day, and went home bloody and bruised, would get attacked by Mother. After she was drinking. Mother was Native American and known in those days as a half-breed. It took me many, many years to struggle with the Drunken-Indian thing. When we talk about our past. My teacher John Trudell, I stumbled upon a video on youtube. He said the Drunken-Indian had to happen. My mother was taken away from her parents as a baby, that's what was done in those days, and adopted out to a white family. To be raised as a white child. Forgive me, I'm a little emotional sometimes. John Trudell went on to say that the Drunken Indian had to happen because they told the Indian they had to be this white thing, and the Indian said no we will become this. They became the Drunken Indian. The Drunken Indian if it had not happened, the Modern Indian, Native American rights movement would not have taken place. Because from that pain, in that space, the Native Tribes were able to rise up. John Trudell was one of those Native Americans who took over Alcatraz. If you remember back in the day, the Natives took over the Island in San Fransisco. The Feds had burned his house down and he had lost his family and he was never the same after that. If you want to know more about John Trudell, I invite you to look him up, there's a documentary on YouTube. He was a powerful, powerful Medicine Man in my opinion, and I just think he is incredible. I can't say enough about him.
I came into this morning without a plan, without a written script. Everything is what I'm feeling led to say to you. I love you with all my heart. So many of you lifted me up when I was in a wheelchair. Look at me now. yah, go ahead give God some praise. I was a mess. Today my head is clear, I see, I think, I breathe... and I know, that God is with me.
Reverend Marty Newman told me one day. I was in her Office, crying. Boo hoo hoo hoo. She stopped me cold, you know Marty Newman, She's a tough one Honey don't you know that you are a child of God. (pretending to get smacked upside my head) sunk right in. I am a child of God. You are a child of God. All of us are children of God. As I retire from this Tech Services Ministry, and I step out into this new Ministry before me. I don't know where God's taking me. Reverend Stuve said now there's two of us! To go where god calls us to go, and that's what's happening. I'm going to follow the Holy Ghost and go into that direction.
I studied hard for many many years. I use to pray for eight hours a day, literally. Got on my knees and I said: Give me patience, give me patience, give me patience. Prayed that for a year, and God stuck me in a wheelchair. What am I saying? Lets be a little more specific in what we want, lets be a little bit more affirming in what we need from God, right?
I feel so strong today in God. I feel the Lion within me. Tomorrow's my Fifty-Fifth birthday. You see that's a big deal because before I stepped into this Church. I had planned it twice, how I was going to check out. The Reverend Marshall Norman listened to the Holy Spirit, and he cleared his desk, and he came running... and he just loved on me. That's what I encourage each one of you to do for each other. Just love. Right Pete? Just love. Ãine, you know what I'm talking about. We can do this right?
Ministers don't save us, we save ourselves. I'm going to say that again. Ministers don't save us, we save ourselves. So I'm inviting you (slams cane into the ground) to move your stake, when our new Minister comes to the Church. I'm inviting you to lift our new Minister up! To support the Board, who we elected as a body, to select this Minister.
In the Hebrew there is a word called Omaine. You know it as Amen. It means a business contract. Do you agree with me that we should accept our new Minister? Say Amen. Do you agree in supporting the Board for picking our new Minister? Say Amen.
We have to do this and we have to keep reminding ourselves. Don't get upset if our choice didn't happen. Let God be God. Grabbing our Tonka out of the sandbox and leaving the Church isn't an option. I'm not leaving either. This is my home, and you guys are going to help keep me on the straight and narrow. Amen? ok.
In the Old Testament there is a thing that is very big. It is called the Ark of the Covenant. On the lid of the Ark was a seat, where the High Priest would sit once a year. On each side of that seat, Holy Angels and the entire time these Angels are fixated on the seat. They are looking down at the seat. Their wings come up over their backs and barely touch each other's wings. We got to stop doing this to each other (pointing at my eyes and at others, motion that I see what they are doing) I see what you're doing. We got to let our wings touch each other, right? Keep our eyes on the purpose. The seat! God. Can we do that? Say Amen.
I don't know where I'm going tomorrow. But I know, I know.. That God has got a mission for me. Many of you know that I was homeless for quite a while. Slept right here (pointing out the window) in this first parking stall out in the parking lot, for a long time. But I was comfortable because I was with God the entire time. When I shut my TV studio down (Red Dragon TV) I was Forty thousand dollars in the hole. Just this month, I made my last payment.
We have to really recognize that everything we do is spiritual. Table (walks over to a table with four legs) Four legs. One leg is finance. Another leg purpose. Another leg, peers. Another leg... Environment. The table top (patting the top of the table) is our soul. If this table is missing one or more of these legs, what happens when you put weight on the table? It falls down right? This has been my spiritual lesson for decades, right here. This is what has grounded me when things got a little crazy. I would look at the four qaudrants and say ok, what's missing? Quite often there would be two or three legs that were missing. Then I had to call on the Master Carpenter to install some new legs for me. Get what I'm saying?
I have been trying to get this impression across to people. Ari-John White-Wolf is not an anomaly in the Unity Church. What am I saying? We all can have this healing, this blessing. This powerful, powerful, peaceful, loving blessing. It's there. All we got to do is plug in to the source of all that is, right? The fullness of all that is, let Divinity take its course.
I said this before the last time that I was speaking, because we don't really focus on this to much in Unity. If you are grieving... go ahead and grieve. Let it heal. Just don't stay there. When I was Seventeen years old, The love of my life committed suicide. For many years that hurt. It was really impossible for me to navigate that. I blamed myself. I blamed him. The reality is he was on drugs and he had no idea what he was doing and he checked out. Rocky is still with me today, I can feel him, he's right here. The Love of my life.
I'm sharing some very personal things with you today because I want you to see that God is real. God has been there for me through thick and thin brothers and sisters.
My Mother abandoned me when I was twelve years old, disappeared... didn't even say goodbye. My Father took custody of me and he couldn't deal with me for very long. So I remember that street kid sleeping on park benches in Madison Wisconsin while the mosquitoes were eating me alive.
I went into the Marine Corps, because I knew that if I didn't do something... That I was going to end up in a lot of trouble. So I gained discipline. I understood self respect. In the Marines I was outed long before "Don't ask, don't tell." That was very hard. Because here I was surrounded by people that were equally as trained as I was. That could hurt me pretty bad... and some did. In Twenty-Sixteen, the day after Christmas, I got the best Christmas present of my life. A full upgrade to an Honorable Discharge. To tell a Marine that he can't be a Marine anymore... there is nothing worse than that. There really isn't. But today I stand before you and I tell you that I am A Marine. But... I am, more importantly A Man of God.
I know that people get a little bit nervous when we talk Military, but here's the thing... there are Archetypes, and mine is a protector. I have run scenarios in my mind God forbid if something were to happen in the Church. To protect my Church. I didn't dwell on it, I filed it away. Then I continued to worship.
I love all of you so much from the bottom of my heart. I really do. Thank you for all that you've done for me. I ask that you would continue to pray for me and lift my Ministry up. Can you do that? My mission is for the homeless. I've seen it up close and personal. I have gone to the community meals while I was having every single penny I had going towards debt. I ate with these people. They are not the stereotypes that you would encounter. They are not all drug addicts. They're not all alcoholics. Some of them are Mom and Dad, working two jobs each and they still cannot afford a place to live. While the little one is in the back seat of the car doing its best to maintain straight A's. It's not the Country I want. I want a Nation where we take care of this problem. I have some out of the box ideas for the future too. Figuring out a way to secure some of these empty Hotels that are all boarded up. Let's turn them into transitional housing. Let's get those who need therapy, into therapy. Right? I have a challenge that I'm going to be giving each Church and Institution as I travel. Consider this, Sponsoring One to Three homeless people for a year. Help them get what they need. That's what we're called to do. We're supposed to take care of the sick, the orphan, the elderly. we're suppose to do that. So many Churches are not doing enough. Many Churches are, don't get me wrong we've got some powerful Ministries right here in Madison. St Lukes, O my gosh, they are some beautiful people. They have been serving meals for Thirty years to the homeless in Madison Wisconsin, and those at risk.
They have found statistically that if you can take an at risk person that is at risk of losing their place. It is cheaper to meet the financial needs to keep them in their home, than it is to relocate them into new housing.
Some years ago the State of Utah, Utah! ahead of Wisconsin. Figured out that to go onto the streets, lift these people up and get them into affordable housing. They found that they were, that the expenses of the E.R. Hospitals and the Medical care and things that needed to take place... was far less of a burden on the State, because they were in their own homes.
That's the Country I'm hoping for, I'm hoping for a Nation where we release children from camps and get them with their families.
Lets not lose hope, lets grab onto hope. Pandora was afraid to open that box She couldn't do it, she couldn't do it, she couldn't do it. Then when she did, her demons flew out of the box and burned up in the sun. She looked in the box, and what did she find? Hope.
God bless you, God love you, and may all of your dreams come true.
Further Reading: