Monday, May 16, 2022
Volume Three | Episode Seventy-Two | Session Two Hundred Forty-Two
Now Streaming Daily at 8:30 AM & PM!
Oh my goodness I missed the bell! Good morning! AJ White-Wolf here and very grateful to have you in the Garden Of Love. We are streaming from Madison, Wisconsin USA. In the Wolf's Den and very happy to have you with us for this program this morning.
Beloved it is time to set aside our differences and figure out a way to brave spaces. so I invite you at this time to turn your cloudy day into a sunny one. Simply by doing your thing and locating your daily anchor. Yes, I'm a little punchy this morning but I hope you can bear with me. Beloved no matter the circumstance you are going through you are okay, you are okay.
Please find a very comfortable position and let's settle in. Allow the peace of God to rest upon us now as together we take in a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Centering ourselves with another deep breath through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. One more time, a deep breath in through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
Allow yourself to see your peace candle right now. Let the flame flicker, let it provoke you. To move from a safe space into a brave one. You see in a safe place it is almost passive-aggressive. Where we allow each other room to be safe. but in a brave space, we communicate our needs with one another. we learn to accept each other's opinions as valid and important.
we live in trying times where we don't listen without hearing. Help us to hear better, help us to be warriors for ourselves and our community in victory. allow us to rejoice in gladness at all times. renew within us love, right now, the kind of love that invokes loud singing.
beloved, I invite you to listen to the still small voice or perhaps express your gratitudes needs, or prayer at this time in the silence
(silent meditative music)
Thank you, God, that you hear all that we express. That you know our voice before we even speak the words. Help us to dive down deep into the deep. To discover our truth by being brave today. Being brave doesn't mean we have to be mean. It just means that we are willing to admit what we are feeling and to process it in a beautiful and glorious way.
I know I say this so many times. Be gentle with yourself today. Practice kindness with you and practice kindness with others. shine that light so bright that it just keeps ongoing. In such a way that those that are going through their darkest storms can find their way home.
Light surrounds us
Love enfolds us
Power protects us
Presence watches over us
All is well
Practice love and kindness
Embrace the blessings
Appreciate the little things
Behold the incredible gifts in the world that are people
Friends, thank you for your presence today in the Garden Of Love. I am AJ White-Wolf and I am streaming from Madison, Wisconsin USA. Please share this with others. I hope that it grounds you and lifts you and allows you to go on with your day.
As always allow joy and love to bubble up inside. Go in peace my friends and namaste.
In The Deep
- Zephaniah 3:17 (New Revised Standard Version Updated Edition)
The Lord, your God, is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will renew you in his love; he will exult over you with loud singing
Ralph Marston
Rest when you're weary. Refresh and renew yourself, your body, your mind, your spirit. Then get back to work. - Pearl S. Buck
Inside myself is a place where I live all alone and that is where I renew my springs that never dry up.
Document Created On May 16, 2022