Saturday, April 30, 2022
Volume Three | Episode Sixty-One | Session Two Hundred Thirty-One
Now Streaming Daily at 8:30 AM & PM!
Greetings beloved, and welcome to the Garden of Love. I am so grateful to have you present here today. I am AJ White-Wolf streaming from the Wolf's Den in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. It is my privilege and honor to serve you this morning. I will be your facilitator for this guided meditation.
What are we doing here on a Saturday morning? So early in the day. I'll tell you what we are doing. We are here to find our daily anchor. To locate that peace that just allows us to be throughout our day. How cool is that? indeed.
Please find a comfortable position, one that works for you. Take in a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Another deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. One more time, a deep breath in through our nose and exhale through the mouth.
Tremendous gratitude for today. Thank you for this moment to connect with the self and to find the wellness, the wholeness, center, balance, gratitude.
Beloved in your mind envision your peace candle. Any size shape or form, any color. Now take a pair of scissors and trim the wick. Removing yesterday's prayers from the peace candle. Removing yesterday's troubles from the peace candle. Allowing a new center, we connect with divine love, the spark of life. We allow it to light our peace candle.
Mark 12:31
‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’
Give us the strength and the courage to love our neighbors as ourselves. To not live in fear, but to look into one another's eyes and truly see them.
Allow grace to permeate your space right now. Allow peace to enter into your temple. This my friends is abundance.
Goodness is about character - integrity, honesty, kindness, generosity, moral courage, and the like. More than anything else, it is about how we treat other people.
Dennis Prager
Increase our faith that we have integrity in all situations. That we carry kindness with us wherever we are. Thank you, God.
I invite you at this time to speak your prayer needs. I give you a moment.
Thank you, God, for hearing us this morning. Thank you, God, that you listen and you feel our pain. Thank you, God, that nothing but the highest good is what you wish for all. Thank you, God.
Latter Rains (lyrics by AJ White-Wolf)
Let the rain fall down, let that rain fall down on me.
This latter rain I been waiting for, let the rain fall down right now.
Let the rain fall down, Let that rain fall down on you.
This latter rain you been waiting for, Let the rain fall down right now.
Let the rain fall down on you and I
Let that love fall down, Let that love fall down on me
this love I've been waiting for, this deep love fall down right now.
Let that love fall down, This deep love fall down on you.
Deep love fall down right now, Love fall down on you and I.
Let the love fall down on you and I.
Allow us the courage to love our neighbors. Give us the strength to do so. Allow our heart space to reach out and love everyone. Let that love reach out beyond ourselves, to our neighborhoods, to our cities, to our state, and yes even to the entire world. To the leaders abroad and at home. Lay down your swords, peace be still, peace be still, peace be still.
I invite you to discover whatever it takes as together we step off into the silence.
(Ten minutes of silent meditative music, followed by five minutes of complete silence.)
Gently bring yourself back to the room in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Welcome back.
For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.
Audrey Hepburn
The quotations are some of my favorite parts of the entire sessions. Such great wisdom from so many people. It is amazing to me. For beautiful eyes look for the good in others. For beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness. For poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone. Make it so in our lives, Amen.
I hope you are free beloved.
Be Free (Lyrics by Pete Calgaro)
Be free, be free, be happy, be free
You be you, I'll be me, be happy, be free
Freedom starts within, freedom, freedom
let it now begin, freedom, freedom
Be free, be free, be happy, be free
let it now begin, freedom, freedom
be free, be free, be happy, be free
Be free, you be you and I'll be me. What a fantastic message to just be free. You be you and I'll be me. Freedom truly does start within.
Friends, be very gentle with yourselves today. So that you in turn may be gentle to others. By all means, please be a lighthouse to the world rather than a storm. Pull them into your peace as you go throughout your day.
The light of God surrounds us.
The love of God enfolds us.
The power of God protects us.
The presence of God watches over us.
Wherever we are, God is, and all is well.
I love you. I bless you.
I appreciate you.
I behold the incredible gift to the world that you are.
Thank you for your presence today in the Garden Of Love. I am AJ White-Wolf streaming to you live from the Wolf's Den. Very happy to serve you and be a part of this program indeed. Beloved let us close with a sense of joy, peace, and love. Go in peace you beautiful beings and namaste
Document Created On April 30, 2022