The Garden Of Love 04.16.2022


Saturday, April 16, 2022
Volume Three | Episode Fifty-One | Session Two Hundred Twenty-One

Now Streaming Daily at 8:30 AM & PM!


Greetings welcome to The Garden Of Love.

I am AJ White-Wolf and I will be your facilitator In this guided meditation today.

We come to you from Madison, Wisconsin, USA. In the Wolf's Den so glad you could join us and be a part of this program indeed. You are special and you are worth every moment of it, so welcome to the program. Let us begin.

We do this on the daily to find our daily anchor. So come beloved, let us settle into our peace for the day. let us find the momentum, and the strength, and the courage to become the people we were meant to be today. Our authentic true self, our authentic true nature. that spark within.

Take in a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Another deep breath through the nose, and exhale through the mouth. One more time, a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. I am grateful for this day, I am grateful for this moment. I am grateful there is nothing broken. There is nothing to fix. I am grateful that the work has already been done. What an amazing journey. 

I invite you at this time to see a candle before you. It is any color, shape, size or form that you wish it to be. Now trim the wick on your candle. This is your peace candle. This is your strength, this is your beginning. Feel the radiant warmth of your peace candle. Shining into your face. Feel the peace candle warming up your heart space. It is such a small flame, but it is able to fill the whole entire space with light and love. Thank you, God. 

Feel the presence of grace right now. Feel the presence of peace right now. Feel the blessing of abundance right now. All of this is love.

No matter what you're going through, there's a light at the end of the tunnel and it may seem hard to get to it but you can do it and just keep working towards it and you'll find the positive side of things.

Demi Lovato

No matter what you are going through. You are okay, you will be fine. You can make it to the light at the end of the tunnel. That's all there is to it. I invite you to contemplate on these things. 

We implore all of the world, peace be still, lay down your swords. Love your neighbor, peace be still. set aside your differences and ways of being and allow each other to freely live. Amen

Beloved for this next part I invite you to process and possibly let go of your prayer needs. Whatever you need in the upcoming segment of prayer and meditation. As together we go into the very deep, the silence. 

(Ten minutes of silent meditative music, followed by five minutes of complete silence.)

Gently bring yourself back to the room in five, four, three, two, one. Welcome Back.

Did I offer peace today? Did I bring a smile to someone's face? Did I say words of healing? Did I let go of my anger and resentment? Did I forgive? Did I love? These are the real questions. I must trust that the little bit of love that I sow now will bear many fruits, here in this world and the life to come.

Henri Nouwen

Beloved do your best to be peace today. To bring a smile to someone's face. speak words that heal others. Let go of anger and resentment. Forgive, love, we are love we are amazing. We are whole, perfect, remember you're not broken. So allow yourself to be the fullness of who you are. Be very kind and gentle with yourself today. Be gentle so that you may go forward and be a lighthouse for others by being gentle with them. You are beautiful.

The light of God surrounds us.
The love of God enfolds us.
The power of God protects us.
The presence of God watches over us.
Wherever we are, God is, and all is well.

Remember that today. Wherever you are, God is, and all is well.

I love you. I bless you.
I appreciate you.
I behold the incredible gift to the world that you are.

Thank you for your presence in the Garden Of Love. It has been my pleasure to spend this time with you today. This is AJ White-Wolf in the Wolf's Den in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Thank You

We close with a sense of joy, peace, and love. Go in peace beloved, and namaste.


Document Created On April 16, 2022 

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