Tuesday, April 12, 2022
Volume Three | Episode Forty-Eight | Session Two Hundred-Eighteen
Now Streaming Daily at 8:30 AM & PM!
Greetings beloved, and welcome to The Garden Of Love.
I am AJ White-Wolf in and I will be your facilitator for this guided meditation. Streaming from the Wolf's Den in Madison Wisconsin USA.
Let us begin
We come together as we do every day to locate and to find our daily anchor. That place that holds us steady throughout our day as we continue and learn to be. Beloved prayer and meditation is not that complicated. It is just the ability to perform preventative maintenance on our lives. To look for those things that possibly need to be changed. To look for those things that possibly need to be released that no longer serve us. Whatever they may be. I hope that you will help me in this meditation as we connect together in oneness and love.
Find a comfortable position, one that works for you. Allow the light of God to surround you right now as together we take in a deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Another deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. One more time, another deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
Thank you for all that is Divine Love. For holding us in sacred space this morning in oneness with you O God. Perfection is the communication between both us and you. The oneness, the entangling with God. We begin our day refreshed and renewed. Allow the flicker of your peace candle to begin. Allow yourself to align with the vibration deep within the Spirit. Allow grace, allow peace, allow abundance. These components are already there all we need to do is settle in and allow all that is to be.
To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.
Lewis B. Smedes
Is there anything today that you need to forgive? Is there anything today that bubbles up that you need to just let go of. perhaps even visualizing yourself and saying the words "I forgive you, I love you, you are a magnificent being, you are truly amazing today."
I invite you at this time to find your prayer needs. What is it that you need to process with God. I allow you some moments of reflection and possibly finding forgiveness.
Thank you God for answering these prayers today. Thank you God for giving us the strength to forgive today. Thank you God that we are bright and beautiful beings today. Amazing creatures, today.
We hold the entire world in sacred space. peace be still, peace be still, peace be still, peace be still.
(Ten minutes of silent meditative music, followed by five minutes of complete silence.)
Gently bring yourself back to the room in five, four, three, two, one. Welcome Back.
It's not an easy journey, to get to a place where you forgive people. But it is such a powerful place, because it frees you.
Tyler Perry
Find your way beloved to forgiveness. Find your way to allow yourself to be free. Find your way to let the pains of your past dissolve like a crossfade.
Allow what remains to be peace. Some years ago, I told a friend of mine that there was an empty space where there use to be so much pain. I am still trying to figure out what goes there. her reply was so simple and profound. she said fill it with love. That is what I did, I filled it with love. I invite you to release your pain and fill that empty space with love.
Please be so very gentle with yourself today. As Rumi had said; you are not a drop in the ocean, you are the entire ocean in a drop. So when we are gentle with ourselves, we become very gentle with everyone else. Be a lighthouse to the world rather than a storm. Learn to love just a little bit harder today. It is not that complicated.
The light of God surrounds us.
The love of God enfolds us.
The power of God protects us.
The presence of God watches over us.
Wherever we are, God is, and all is well.
I love you. I bless you.
I appreciate you.
I behold the incredible gift to the world that you are.
Thank you so very much, this is AJ White-Wolf streaming from the Wolf's Den in Madison, Wisconsin, USA. I am truly grateful for your presence today in the Garden Of Love. Let us close this session with a sense of peace, let us close with the allowance of joy. More than anything let us be filled with love. so much so that our cup overflows and spills out onto others with love. Go in peace beloved, and namaste.
Document Created On April 12, 2022