Prayer & Meditation 9.27.2020

There were 5 Souls in attendance on Zoom today.

Monday September 27, 2020
Volume One, Session Seventy

Background Meditation Music

Easy Keys - Pete Calgaro

Opening Quote

“Make a conscious effort to surround yourself with positive, nourishing, and uplifting people – people who believe in you, encourage you to go after your dreams, and applaud your victories.” ~ Jack Canfield

Today's Sacred Text

Hebrews 13:2

“Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that some have entertained angels without knowing it.”

Today's Theme

Love Is Constant


God is my helper; I will not be afraid.

Closing Quote

“Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone.” ~ Billy Cox


When we let out a sigh. It tells the universe that we are preparing for something amazing. It releases those things that no longer serves us. So I invite you right now to do it in such a way that vibrates across your lips. Let out a sigh.

Peace be still, let the storms become calm waters. Come beloved, let us center ourselves in goodness and release ourselves from anything holding us back.

Make a conscious effort to surround yourself with positive, nourishing and uplifting people. People who believe in you, encourage you to go after your dreams and applaud your victories. Quote by Jack Canefield.

Please find a comfortable position. Allow peace to settle in. allowing your body to relax and rele3ase. Together breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Being sensitive. To the powerful awesome presence of God.

The sacred text for today is from the book of Hebrews Chapter Thirteen and Verse two. Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing that. Some have entertained Angels without knowing it.

I’m so grateful that I quite possibly may have entertained an angel or two. By being kind to the stranger.

I invite you to be open, present, and receive the incredible loving gifts from God. For I truly believe, that there is but one presence and one power in my life and yours. God the good.

God knows us, whether we know it or not. We know God. That beloved is oneness. So i invite you at this time to light a candle in your heart space for the people around the world suffering at this time in isolation. We pray for financial security for both the businesses and the people. Open up the flood gates sweet Divine love. Let Divine order bless in abundance. So that we in turn can spread it around. Help us O God to be more gentle with ourselves and others. Impress upon our hearts to lay down our swords. So that we can be in better service to one another. Allow our hearts and our minds to forgive. If we have hurt anyone, to be forgiven.

Beloved breathe in this moment and exhale all that you may be holding onto. Breathe in through your nose, and exhale all the thoughts of the monkey mind through your mouth.

This morning listen to your emotions. You know they might have things to tell you. I can tell you from my own personal journey. Meditation changes the brain. If you don’t feel joy, let joy come in right now. All you have to do is hold your hands out in front of you with your palms up. Receive this free gift. There is nothing that needs to be done, for the work has already been done. Just receive joy, peace, tranquility.

Allow peace to settle into our homes, let that peace expand out to our neighborhoods, yes O God may our entire city be peaceful. May the love of peace descend on our State. Yes even our Nation, beyond that the entire World.

Beloved as we go into these ten minutes of meditation. I invite you to process whatever it is that God would say to you. Prayer is us talking to God. When we go into the quiet, into the deep. We discover what God has to say to us. I invite you to discover what that is this morning, in the silence.

(Ten Minutes Of Silence)

Isn’t it wonderful that we can have a relationship with God in whatever capacity we feel that is.

Life will change only when you become more committed to your dreams than you are to your comfort zone. Billy Cox

Today’s theme Love is constant. I will say this morning's affirmation and then I invite you to repeat it with me. God is my helper I will not be afraid. Together,

If you know anything about my life. You know that I’ve been to the highest mountain and the lowest valley. I’ve had daymares and nightmares. But through it all, God my best friend is always there to lift me up. God is your best friend too, should you choose.

I invite you today to be with those who make you forget to check your phone. Those are the kind of people we want to surround our lives with. Often when i go to a restaurant. Of course i haven’t recently. But often, i like to observe people. You can tell the ones are who really get into each other. Their nose isn’t in their phone. They carry conversations, their screen is turned upside down on the table, what a beautiful thing to do for one another.

Sometimes later becomes never, I invite you to obtain your dreams and do it now.

Be gentle with yourself, if you wish to be gentle with others.

Always, please beloved. Be a lighthouse to the world rather than a storm.

Would you pray the blessing with me for the whole world. We love you, we bless you, we appreciate you, and we behold the Christ you are.

White-Wolfs Ministries Meditation Service September Twenty-Seven, Twenty-Twenty. Volume One Session Seventy. is where the archives are, it won’t be updated until way late today. I have many things to do this morning. Sacred texts from the Oxford Study Bible New Revised Standard Version. Meditation easy keys by Pete Calgaro. White-Wolf Ministries feeds the spiritual their spiritual needs, and feeds the homeless their physical needs. I do not get the two confused. Donations to White-Wolf Ministries allows us to help the Homeless and at risk. Go in peace beloved and Namaste.

Here I am Lord - John Michael Talbott


Document Created On September 27, 2020 By AJ White-Wolf

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