Prayer & Meditation 9.18.2020

There were 12 Souls in attendance on Zoom today.

Monday September 18, 2020
Volume One, Session Sixty-Six

Background Meditation Music

Gifts Of The Spirit (Remixed from samples) - AJ White-Wolf

Opening Quote

Piglet: ‘How do you spell ‘love’?’ Winnie the Pooh: ‘You don’t spell it…you feel it.' - A.A. Milne, Winnie the Pooh

Today's Sacred Text

Philippians 4:13

“I can do all things through him who strengthens me.”

Today's Theme

We Are Powerful And Strong


I can do anything, God is Strong, therefore so am I

Closing Quote

“You are a very special person. There is only one like you in the whole world. There’s never been anyone exactly like you before, and there will never be again. Only you. And people can like you exactly as you are.” ~ Fred Rogers



Peace be with you, and know that God is always with you.

Come beloved let us connect in the center together with God.

Piglet said “how do you spell love?” Winnie the poo replied “you don’t spell it, you feel it” feel the love this morning. Please find a comfortable position and let your body relax and be comforted in the Spirit. Breathe in through your nose a deep, deep breath and exhale through your mouth.

Let all that you are troubled with this morning be released through the breath. Whatever it took to get here. Whatever no longer may be serving you. I invite you to just take in a deep breath and exhale and release it.

The sacred text for this morning from the book of Philippians chapter four and verse thirteen. I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Thank you god for this great strength within. That you have given each and every one of us. Our own special unique abilities. Our special unique gifts of the spirit. That we might help one another in this world and do more. I pray for all of us that our shoulders would be a little bit broader. That whatever we are working with would be a little bit easier to carry.

I’ve said this before but, God can move mountains. But we have to do the work, so you better bring a shovel.

Because beloved there is but one presence and one power in my life and yours. God the good.

It is my personal prayer that we learn to lay down our sword in service to one another. That we find a way for forgiveness, as well as we find a way for others to forgive us. So my friends I ask that you take in another deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. I feel the sweet wonderful presence of God. If you are having a lights out experience in God this morning. I pray that the light switch just get turned on. That you feel the presence of love. Love is the fulfillment of the law. There is nothing to fix, nothing to do, just accept and be. Fridays are the house of love. Come beloved let us be love. First to ourselves and then to others that we encounter through all the day. It can be the simple act of just holding a door open for someone, and letting them pass before you.

Many years ago when I was in a wheelchair. I loved to have coffee in front of mother fools coffee house on the corner of Williamson and Ingersoll street. I would weave my peace baskets to bide my time while drinking my coffee. One beautiful sunny day, I was doing that. I saw a man from a block away running very fast in a suit, angry. He got right in front of me and I stomped my foot. I said “hey.” he stopped and looked very disgruntled and said “what?” I pointed up at the sky and said “look the beautiful sun is shining.” the anger melted off of his face and turned into a smile. I thought it was done my friends. But a few minutes later as I was focused on my peace baskets. You see I focus on peace, I say peace be still as I am weaving the baskets. So I can bless someone else with peace. I heard a car, beep beep beep. And as it drove away there was an arm pointing out the window of the drivers' car window up at the sky as it drove east. Pointing up at the sky. We can affect our brothers and sisters around the world through the simple acts of kindness. That is my prayer for you this morning.

Whatever it is, be it great or small. God answers prayer. In prayer, we speak to God, and as we go into ten minutes of silence. God speaks to us in the silence.

(ten minutes of silence)

You are a very special person. There is only one like you in the whole world. There has never been anyone exactly like you before. There never will be again. Only you. And people can like you exactly as you are. Mr Rogers.

Holy loving God. We are very comfortable in our living situations. We sleep on warm beds. I pray in Madison Wisconsin and beyond. That any that don’t have this, would. I’m working with a young man named Jack. He doesn’t even have a tent or a sleeping bag. He sleeps on the concrete on cardboard boxes. Divine order in jacks life. Peace be still.

I will say today’s affirmation. But first, the title for today is we are powerful and strong. I will say the affirmation and when I repeat it, I invite you to say it with me. I can do anything, God is strong therefore so am I. together,

I would appreciate your prayers. It feels like God is leading me to establish a progressive church in central Madison on the Isthmus to better serve these people. In whatever capacity they need. I already have the blessings from Reverend Evin from Unity of Madison, and Pastor Amanda from Bashford United Methodist. Will be meeting with them more as time progresses.

I have an amazing thing to share with you. The river food pantry has been making me meals, hot meals and salads. To pick up every day and load up my car and go feed the homeless. What a beautiful blessing.

Brothers and sisters, focus with me for the whole world as we pray the blessing together. We love you we bless you, we appreciate you and we behold the Christ you are. Always believe in yourself. I do. Be gentle first with yourself if you wish to be gentle with others. You know my mantra, be gentle with the world rather than a storm. Go in peace beloved, Namaste.

O as always beloved. Thank you for all that you do in the world. You are a blessing to everyone. I hope we all have a better day so that we can serve one another. Be well my friends I will see you soon on Sunday morning. I love you I bless you, I appreciate you and I behold the Christ you are.


He Aint Heavy He's My Brother - The Hollies


Document Created On September 18, 2020 By AJ White-Wolf

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