Prayer & Meditation 8.10.2020


There were 9 Souls in attendance on Zoom today.

Monday August 10, 2020

Today's Sacred Text
Colossians 4:2

"Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with thanksgiving.

Today's Theme
Divine Grace

Thank you for divine grace, the gift of love


Good morning, as always I am so happy to see you this morning in prayer and meditation.

A Stoic once said, if the only prayer you ever said in your entire life was thank you. That would be enough. We are here this morning, to say thank you. Thank you, thank you. Please find a comfortable position with your feet firmly on the floor. Take in a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Take in another deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth.

We are the light of the world, indeed. Because we are that light we shine, and we focus in such a way that we can take care of the rest of the world. That we can repair the world through our own centering and peacefulness. Thank you, God, for everything, for everything, even technical difficulties in the background. Thank you.

The sacred text for today is from the book of Colossians chapter four and verse two. Keeping alert in your prayers with thanksgiving.

Indeed, with thanksgiving

Always know that throughout the day if you are ever troubled or vexed. Remind yourself gently that there is but one presence and one power in your life, God the good.

We light a candle in our heart space it is a representation of all that is. All that is needed and accomplished and all that must be released. In our lives and in the lives of others. God knows our hearts and our minds for we are one with God. This is a blessing, a blessing, truly a blessing. We pray for those around the world O God, divine love. Spread your blanket over all. Keep them warm, safe, secure, whole, healthy. Sound body and sound mind, we need more peace on our lands. Prepare the hearts and the minds of us all that we would walk in our world and notice the sacredness in others. That we would get off our judgement seats and recognize you are in them. Move upon those in positions of power to share financial gain, with those that are in desperate need of it right now. If there is anything in our hearts that we hold against another. Reveal to us that we may process it and release it through grace. I also, focus on those i may hurt in my lifetime. Those I may have offended or slighted. I ask that you would prepare their hearts for forgiveness. That they would find that path to release it. Tikkun Olam, repair the world.

Breathe in this moment through your nose, this moment of peace, and exhale through your mouth. Breathe in again and exhale. Thank you, God. That we can return to that place of peace at any given time, simply by focusing on our breath and releasing it. I invite you my dear friends to find out what is yours to do today. Whatever it may be, it could even be nothing. Welcome your heart, and your mind, and your soul. Into the silence.

(Ten Minutes of Silence)

When i wake up in the morning, sometimes between five and five-thirty. I just sit there with God, and I say thank you. I’m so grateful for a health. That I’ve never known in my adult years. I’m so grateful for a peace, that i struggled for so many years.

Meister Eckhart said, if the only prayer you said in your whole life was thank you. That would suffice. So thank you beloved, thank you. Thank you, God, thank you.

The theme for today Divine Grace. I will say the affirmation once and then I invite you to repeat it with me. Thank you for divine grace, the gift of love. Together, thank you for divine grace, the gift of love.

There was a song performed yesterday in church. I’ve got joy like a fountain. (laughter)

I know what that feels like beloved. If you don’t understand, i invite you to pray right now that God would reveal that mystery to you. That God would just let loose and flow like a fountain.

Thank you for your presence this morning and your commitment to life. I invite you to pray the blessing for yourself and for the world. We love you, we bless you, we appreciate you and we behold the Christ you are.

Be gentle first with yourself if you wish to be gentle with everyone else.

Be a lighthouse to the world rather than a storm. Tikkun Olam, repair the world.

Go in peace beloved and Namaste.


Thank You God For Everything - Eddie Watkins Jr


Document Created On August 10, 2020 By AJ White-Wolf

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