There were 10 Souls in attendance on Zoom today.
Friday August 07, 2020
Today's Sacred Text
Mark 4:39
"He woke up and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace! Be still!” Then the wind ceased, and there was a dead calm.”
Today's Theme
Peace Be Still
I am awake and at peace right now.
Here we are on this beautiful Friday morning.
Nothing to fix, nothing to build, nothing to tear down. Just to be. Please find a comfortable position. Let your body relax. Peace, be still, and know I am God. We release whatever it took to get here this morning. We release any fear, or tribulation that effects our mind so much. We release thinking to hard about things to try and find a solution. Take in a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Go ahead and take in another deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Allow all that needs to be accomplished this morning to take place, all that may need to be released that no longer serves you. To just let go. It truly is the mystery of going into the deep.
Our sacred text for today is from the book of mark chapter four and verse thirty-nine. He woke up and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, peace, be still! Then the wind ceased and there was a dead calm. Thank you, God. That all we need to do is wake up and rebuke the wind and say peace, be still! And know that what exists in its place is a dead calm. A peacefulness, a serenity. This is the key to prayer and meditation.
Beloved always know that there is only one presence and one power in your life, and that is God the good.
We light a candle in our heart space this morning. A representation of every prayer need we have. An eternal flame, that we are connected to. I believe it was Rumi who said “you’re not a drop of water in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.” Because we are the ocean in a drop. I pray for the financial security of both business and the people suffering. That some of the blessing would be spread around and abundance would take place for all people’s around the world. Prepare our hearts and our minds. That we would be gentle with ourselves so that we would be a little bit more gentle with others. Help us to see the face of god when we look at other people. That is the fulfillment of the law. To lover our neighbor.
Go ahead and breathe in this moment through your nose and exhale this cleansing breath.
We speak to the winds that ravage across this nation, even the world. We rebuke it by saying, peace be still. Allow that peace to provide reconciliation, as well as reparations to those that should be receiving them. There is so much abundance. It is available to us all.
I invite you to sit in your spiritual room with your eyes closed. Look around the room. Some of the things on your walls should stay. But what on those walls no longer serves you? I invite you to take those items down and gently pack them in a storage box and remove them from your spiritual room.
You are the light of the world. You are the people of God. I invite you to discover what is yours to do, in that perfect peace that we find in the silence.
(ten minutes of silent meditation)
I wish to share with you an example of prayer and meditation. As well as a God that is not linear. Last year. It had dawned on me that it would be wonderful to have prayer shawls and prayer swatches to give to homeless people that might benefit from such an artifact. So I prayed that such a thing would take place. A couple of weeks later. A beautiful woman walked up to me at Bashford United Methodist Church. She said “what can I, what is mine to do for the homeless. What is something that you really need?” I expressed that I wished I had prayer shawls and pocket prayer shawls for the homeless. She smiled “I will see what I can do” the following week she showed up with three garbage bags full of prayer shawls and prayer swatches. You see her and her daughter had been making these for months. They did not know who they were making them for. I had prayed for these. God reached back in time and impressed upon these tow individuals, mother and daughter. To make prayer shawls and prayer swatches. This brothers and sisters is the true power of faith, prayer, and meditation.
The theme for today “peace be still” I will say the affirmation and I invite you to repeat it with me. I am awake and at peace right now.
Would you pray the blessing with me for yourself and for the world. We love you, we bless you, we appreciate you and we behold the Christ you are.
Thank you for your presence this morning, won’t you please go in peace beloved. And of course as always, Namaste.
Document Created On August 7, 2020 By AJ White-Wolf