Prayer & Meditation 8.02.2020

There were 6 Souls in attendance on Zoom today.

Sunday August 02, 2020

Today's Sacred Text
Philippians 4:6

"Do not worry about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God.

Today's Theme
Spirit Hears Me

I am grateful for the ability to communicate with the Divine


A very good morning to you. So happy to be here, serving in this capacity. It truly is an honor to provide prayer and meditation on a Sunday morning.

I’m inviting you to step into the deep. To go a little bit deeper with God. My own personal pilgrimage. I seek out that daily anchor to help me not be pushed too and throw by the winds of change.

Please find a comfortable position let your body just relax. Breathe in this moment through your nose and exhale whatever it took to get here through your mouth. Peace be still and know I Am God. Therefore, peace within, that is where we find our God. In the presence of peace, it surpasses all understanding.

The sacred text for today is from Philippians chapter four and verse six. Do not worry about anything but in everything with prayer and supplication with thanksgiving. Let your request be known to God.

Thank you, God that our requests are heard. For there is but one presence and one power in my life. God the good.

We light a candle in our heart space. A representation of all that is needed. Within ourselves, and for the world.

Prepare our hearts and our minds so that when we encounter other human beings. We see the face of God. Help us to be a little bit more kind to ourselves. So that we may be gentle with others. Tikkun Olam, repair the world. Here am I O God, here am I.

If I have injured anyone in my travels. If others have injured me. I pray that all concerned would find a way to release and embrace peace. Peace be still and know I am God. The fullness of the Divine within us. Guiding us with that still small voice within. That perfect peace. The metaphor of true heavenly bliss. Spiritual sustenance. The manna that feeds our souls. We are men and women of God.

If anything during this time of meditation pops up. Allow it to happen. Recognize it for what it is, and if it needs to be put in check. Pray for the wisdom to release it. You can always return to the center, simply by focusing on your breath. Breathing in through the nose and exhaling through the mouth. I invite you dear ones to go deeper into the deep, into the silence.

(ten minutes of silent meditation)

There is a place, where dreams come true. It's in a garden, a beautiful garden. That garden beloved, is you.

The theme for today is Spirit Hears Me. I will say the affirmation once and then I invite you to Repeat it with me. I am grateful for the ability to communicate with the divine. Together, I am grateful for the ability to communicate with the divine.

Thank you for your presence this morning, your presence to life. Your willingness to embrace the sacred. I invite you to do something spectacular today. Just for you. Self-love and nourishment. Would you pray the blessing with me for yourself and for the entire world? We love you, we bless you, we appreciate you, and we behold the Christ you are.

The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have

Be gentle first with yourself if you wish to be gentle with others.

My personal mantra. Be a lighthouse to the world, rather than a storm. The lighthouse does not try to change the storm. It provides a light for the path for others as they travel.

Go in peace beloved, Namaste.


The Garden - Eddie Watkins Jr 


Document Created On August 2, 2020 By AJ White-Wolf

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