Prayer & Meditation 7.13.2020

White-Wolf Ministries
Prayer & Meditation Service
Monday July 13, 2020

There were 8 Souls in attendance on Zoom today.

Today's Theme
I Am The Light

My future’s so bright, I have to wear shades.

Today's Sacred Text From The Daily Word
James 4:7

Submit yourselves therefore to God, and he will draw near to you.


Welcome, so very pleased to see you this morning. I invite you to just let out a deep sigh.

We are here, to find connection with ourselves and with each other. Indeed, prayer and meditation is our daily anchor. I invite you to find your daily anchor, every day. Please find a comfortable position feet firmly on the floor. Peace, be still, I deny anything that would withhold me from my peace. Breath in through your nose a deep breath, and exhale through your mouth. Filling the lungs by breathing in the pure presence of love. Allowing all that needs to be accomplished, and exhaling all that needs to be released. It is how we overcome the monkey mind. Breath in through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. 

The sacred text for today is from the book of James chapter 4 and verse seven. Submit yourselves therefore to God, and he will draw near to you. God is interested in us. God never leaves us, we leave God. God is everywhere in everything. It is our choice. To ignore the Holy Spirit. Beloved there is but one presence, and one power in my life, God the good. 

Thank you Holy Spirit for knowing our hearts and our minds and providing for us a way to connect the deep. To allow all that is, to just be. we pray for our neighbors in these trying times, we expand that out to our city, our state, our nation, even the entire world. Be a comfort and bring peace to those that may be suffering in their afflictions. Provide healthy sound medications and medicines. Allow us to get out of the way for the Holy Spirit to do the work. We pray for so many around the world living in isolation, trying so hard to keep their heads up high. Bring that beautiful majestic peace and surround them. We pray for continued financial security for both those places of business and the people around the world. Allow none to go without the things they need. We do light a candle in our heart space a representation of all our prayers. The light of God answering those prayers.

We speak to that inner child within. We say "I love you." we speak to the Inner Child of all the rest of the world, and we say "I love you." so breath in this moment of pure love, joy, peace, and tranquility, and exhale whatever it took to get here. You can return to this peace at any moment during this meditation if anything in your monkey mind takes over... simply by breathing in and releasing it through the breath. Breath in this wonderful experience and powerful presence. Just drink in the Holy Spirit. Let your cup be full. Now... let that cup overflow, and see it reach out to your neighbors. Filling their cups as well. Through prayer and meditation we align ourselves with the vibration of perfect peace and love. I invite you beloved to discover what is yours to do in the silence.

(several minutes of complete silence)

Peace be still and know I am God. We are brilliant amazing manifestations of the almighty. The theme for today, I am the light. I will say the affirmation once and i invite you to repeat it with me. My future is so bright I have to wear shades. Together, my future is so bright I have to wear shades. Thank you for your presence this morning and being present to life. Recognizing that we are the light bearers of the world. Not here to change anyone or change anything. Only to shine our light. I invite you to pray the blessing with me for yourself and for others around the world. hold them in sacred space as we say these words together. We love you, we bless you, we appreciate you, we behold the Christ you are. There is a bright future ahead. Claim it and accept it. Be gentle with yourselves so that you can be a lighthouse to the world. Rather than a storm.

Go in peace beloved, Namaste



Document Created On July 13, 2020 By AJ White-Wolf

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