8:30 Prayer & Meditation Service
Sunday June 1, 2020
Today's Host and Facilitator
The Reverend Ari-John White-Wolf
There were 10 Souls in attendance today.
Theme From The Daily Word
Today's Sacred Text From The Daily Word
Revelation 3:8
"Look, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut."
Song During Prayer Segment:
Listen To The Silence - Eddie Watkins Jr
Meditation Song:
Music To Help - soundingsoftheplanet
A Cappella
Latter Rain Verse Two - Composer AJ White-Wolf
Closing Song:
Joy And Peace In My Heart - Melissa Phillippe
Good Morning Beloved
Welcome to our Morning Prayer and Meditation Service.
My name is The Reverend Ari-John White-Wolf and I will be your facilitator this morning.
Here we are to open the door. Peeling back the curtain to reveal the mystery. Arriving at this position of contemplation. I encourage you to find a comfortable place to sit. Go ahead and breathe in through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Filling the lungs by breathing in the expression of centered peace. Allowing all anticipation to be released. This openness is here for us all, the divine invites us in!
The Sacred Text from today’s Daily Word the book of Revelation 3:8
-- "Look, I have set before you an open door, which no one is able to shut.” -
Today in this virtual room: I open myself up to the possibilities in God
This morning, we seek allow for tenderness. Yes to everything that comes to me. My heart is open, I am free. We are open to all that is, collectively we surrender. We are free. I say a tender yes to everything I need. My heart is open, and I am free. I surrender for I am free.
This wisdom, as we celebrate the open doors to the divine. That there is but one presence, and one power in my life, God the Good.
I invite you to bring into your conscious awareness the prayer intentions you are holding for yourself or others, and the prayer intentions you are holding for any particular situation or circumstance.
As you bring these prayer intentions into your conscious awareness, we affirm the highest and best for everyone concerned.
I invite you to light a candle in your heart space to represent your prayer intentions. So that we can hold that image in our collective thoughts and prayers. We are together, and we are one, our intentions are heard and accomplished. We are whole.
The universe is waiting. Deep in the silence. We listen to the silence. Deep within this sacred place where unity and peace dwell. Listen to the still small voice, it will tell. In the silence, deep inside the silence. Listen to the silence.
Never ending joy. Never ending peace. Never ending light. Never ending peace. All that is and all that was is all there will ever be. Feel the boundless possibilities endlessly unfolding. Here inside the silence. Only within the silence. Deep within the silence. Listen to the silence.
This is the conclusion of our Prayer time.
We now begin our time of meditation.
If during this Meditation you find things invading this state of relaxation. Find your peace by focusing on your breath. Let the situation crept in, slip away. Now beloved, I invite you to relax, release, and let go through the breath. Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Breathe in this wonderful experience and presence of love. Inviting the Divine to overflow with anointing pure energy. We are the light, this power is love. I now reside in this place of pure love. We are blessed during these moments of meditation, and we are whole.
I invite you to discover what is yours to do in the silence.
This concludes our time of Meditation.
The theme today is based on the Daily Word it is Open. I would like to share this closing affirmation with you. I will say it once and then you can repeat it with me.
"New doorways to good are now opening before me."
"New doorways to good are now opening before me."
Thank you for your presence this morning. I am filled with joy to be of service during to you. Together we become connected and we are complete. When we Pray and Meditate during these moments. We become encouraging vessels, a strength for the world. Peace be with you.
I am very honored to be here, to do this work for you. It is a privilege to have you present and locating your own spiritual understanding. We close this period of prayer and meditation with a sense of openness and happiness. It is my sincere hope that you are gentle with yourselves and with others.
I invite you to pray the blessing with me for yourself and for others.
We love you, we bless you, we appreciate you, and we behold the Christ you are!
Peace be with you. Go in peace. Namaste Beloved
Document Created On May 31, 2020 By AJ White-Wolf