Greetings, I hope that you are being gentle with yourselves and with others. That Grace, Peace, and Prosperity are not hidden from you. That your health is well and that you feel joy.
White-Wolf Ministries has made some changes and I am looking forward to expanding and growing in new directions. - AJ
The Mailing List
In the past, I have used my regular email with a list on my server to generate BCC to people. The downside of this method is that those who do not wish to receive emails from me cannot unsubscribe. Hence the migration to the MailChimp platform.
If you wish to no longer receive the Wolf Howl, simply hit unsubscribe at the bottom of this message. There is no obligation to remain or expected. You can also update the preferences instead if you choose to change the frequency of the newsletter. If what I do does not serve you. I will not be offended by an unsubscribe.
Hermes Health Update
Hermes seemed to be responding to the medications a little bit. However, on Tuesday, September 28th, while taking him out for his last walk of the evening. He collapsed and just couldn't stand up. I had purchased a harness with a handle on Monday. I am grateful for that still small voice guiding me to do so. I would not have been able to get him back up to our apartment. My sweet baby, beloved Hermes transitioned around an hour later. His story is linked here.
The Elevation Hour
I have decided to make some changes to the Monday and Friday Instrumental mix and Prayer & Meditation Programs. The entire hour-long program is now called The Elevation Hour. The program consists of three segments to the live stream broadcast.
The first part use to be called the Meditation Drive. I was never happy with the title and have decided to change it to The Garden Of Love. This segment of the program is shifting from an instrumental D.J. mix to a Devotional segment with Music in the background.
The second part will continue as a moment of silence which is two minutes long. This is so that people joining for the Prayer & Meditation do not get blasted with whatever is being done during The Garden Of Love.
The Third part is the Prayer & Meditation Service. This was born from the 8:30 Prayer and Meditation that AJ White-Wolf facilitated once a month at Unity Of Madison Church. The Reverend Evin Wilkins had given his blessing for this program as it continued to grow and provide individuals with alternatives to isolation during the Pandemic.
The sacred text will be dropped from the Prayer & Meditation segment and utilized during The Garden Of Love devotional time.
AJ is considering expanding beyond Monday and Friday Mornings to more times during the week at 8:30 AM U.S. Central Time.
The regular notice that I had been sending out on Monday and Friday will be discontinued. The Wolf Howl will be a weekly news update and it will contain The Elevation Hour details in every post.
Acts Of Kindness
I believe that the only way to make a change is to do something with your boots on the ground. To be the change that you wish for! - AJ White-Wolf
- July 2021
Reverend AJ discovered a young teenage girl's dream to obtain an electric guitar so that she could learn how to play. AJ made that happen. The link for that event is here!
- Current Vision
AJ knows of a Ten-year-old who is really good at Beat Boxing. This art form is the ability to make percussion sounds using the voice and body. His mother encourages this and would like to see him embrace his abilities further. It is AJ's desire to make that happen. The tools he would need are a Harmonica Microphone and an Amplifier. The amp should be two channels with Bluetooth possibilities so that this young person could add elements over time. The cost involved is between $250.00-$350.00. If you would like to help make this happen contact me at the email or phone number listed below.
If however, you the reader has an old harmonica microphone, and/or an amplifier that could be donated. even a guitar amp would work in this situation. Contact Reverend AJ if you wish to make that happen.
The Ministry Continues
Reverend AJ is currently available for the following:
- Guest Speaker at your institutions' location
AJ shares his story, faith, and abilities to live a practical life. - Performance in Concert at a suggested location
(no places that serve alcohol please!) - Repair The World Vigil
The first one was held in February just before the Pandemic lockdown. Aj Wishes to resume the vision for this. - Workshops
- Prayer & Meditation
how to hit the reset button
- Practical Biblical teachings for today's world.
These events can also be live-streamed in real-time.
More developments are soon to come!
Communion & Prayer Needs
Over the years I have heard of many who were denied Communion or Prayer simply because of their lifestyle, or political alignment, as well as Church affiliations. This has vexed me for a long time and it is my desire to be the change in this world that I pray for daily. I am offering individualized communion or prayer needs. In the near future, I hope to host regular Communion Services for those who may have been shunned because of their race, theology, sexual orientation, or sexual identity. Contact Reverend AJ via the information in the footer for any of these needs to be met.
Prayer requests can be done in private sessions via zoom, or over the phone.
Homeless Ministry
WWM is looking for locations to set up drop-off points of items for the homeless in our city. Safe affordable housing is very limited in our city, the state, and our Nation. AJ White-Wolf has experienced Homelessness many times throughout his lifetime. It is his desire to be a lighthouse for those deep in the storm. AJ knows what it means to go through the dark night of the soul and understands the variables associated with homelessness.
- Key points of interests
- Annual Clothing and hygiene drive
- Safe affordable housing
- Financial Balance
- A healthy Purpose
- Healthy Peers
- Ways to help
- Donate new and gently used items to the program
- Churches and Individuals Sponsor Families and single beings experiencing at-risk or homeless issues.
- Donate to this program at the link provided below
The Elevation Hour
Monday & Friday 8:00-9:00 AM UST
The Garden Of Love
Moment Of Centering Silence
Prayer & Meditation
Session Archives
Support This Ministry Financially
White-Wolf Ministries continues to explore and grow. You can help this program through Donations directly to our program.
To Donate Electronically, There are a few options here:
White-Wolf Ministries is a Business or a Non-Profit. It is a grassroots effort to make a difference.
Some are reluctant to do so electronically White-Wolf Ministries' contact information is listed in the footer of this announcement.
Your support helps to cover the debt as a result of replacing equipment lost in the fire of October 2020. We continue to help support those struggling with homeless issues. Donations also help to cover the overhead costs of this ministry. Thank you!
Subscribe To The Wolf Howl News
Document Updated By AJ White-Wolf September 30, 2021
Document Updated By AJ White-Wolf September 29, 2021
Document Created By AJ White-Wolf September 28, 2021