Howl Howl News
A White-Wolf Ministries & AJ White-Wolf Newsletter
June 1, 2022
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I Gotta Be Me
Greetings, I hope this document finds you in good health and good spirits!
I am still struggling a little with staying where I am. I am working on adjusting my sails and finding better pastures.
June is Pride Month, I am grateful that I am very comfortable with who I am. For a very long time that just was not the case. I carried a lot of guilt and shame and had to work things out for the better. That journey ended up making me realize that I am far better than what I perceived myself to be. I am a good man, who cares deeply about the world around me. What greater purpose and cause is that?
Every one of us is blessed, Namaste - Reverend AJ
Happiness cannot be traveled to, owned, earned, worn or consumed. Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude.
Denis Waitley
Hutch Update
Hutchie continues to grow and has really become my little buddy.
I am grateful for heart guard and flea and tick medications. He is on both. The neat thing about the flea and tick stuff is the once-a-month dose makes his blood gross to those critters. So they jump off.
This is good because I am hoping to have the camper ready for some short trips to very rural places.
Meditations - Shifting Gear
I have been contemplating this for some time. The half-hour program was just too long for new people to join and get something out of it. The program is now around 12 to 15 minutes.
The program is going to be scaled back to just once a week, on Mondays. The last daily session will be streamed on May 31, 2022. The evening sessions are will be discontinued on May 27, 2022
This Newsletter - More shifts
In the past, I was publishing this once a week. I have decided that there are to many things that I wish to focus on and can't be tethered to daily and weekly projects. So it is being changed to a once-a-month publication.
The song I gotta be me was quite a popular song. It was from the Broadway musical Golden Rainbow that was presented in the nineteen sixties. It is fitting to use this song for June Pride month. He may have had a romantic relationship with Langston Hughes.

- Communion
- Prayer requests
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The Garden Of Love
Mondays 8:30-9:00 AM US CST
Centering, Releasing, Reflection, Listening, Processing, Resetting
Session Archives
Session Shorts
Donations can be done here:
Document Updated June 01, 2022
Document Created May 27, 2022