Wolf Howl 04.13.2021

Howl Howl News
A White-Wolf Ministries & AJ White-Wolf Newsletter
April 13, 2022
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In everyone's life, at some time, our inner fire goes out. It is then burst into flame by an encounter with another human being. We should all be thankful for those people who rekindle the inner spirit.

Albert Schweitzer

Open Up To New Possibilities And Growth

Greetings, I hope that you are embracing your dreams today.

Today is Thomas Jefferson's Birthday. He was an amazing man living in the Colonial Period of the United States. He wrote his own version of the Bible, removing the spooky and miraculous. Sticking to the basic teachings of love and light.

April was the second month of the year until around 700 BCE. At which time the months of January and February were added to the calendar. It would end up with 30 days during Julius Cesar's reign. Hence becoming the Julian Calendar. It is speculated that April comes from the Latin Aprillis, which has a root meaning from the word Aperire. Which translates to open. The opening of new life and spring for new growth. Pope Gregory would change things in the 1500s, which gave us the Gregorian Calendar that we have to this day.

I have been working more and more on my online influence vs trying to get real-time locations for doing the things of my ministry. I am discovering that I have many talents and abilities to be able to pull this off and that I really need to embrace that. 

Now that it is warming up. I am going to try and spend some time at my storage garage and work on my camper. I really truly miss camping and being at a nightly campfire. The concerts I hear in the woods are amazing and I really have not heard them in a long time. I hunger for going deeper into the deep. The woods is one way that I do that.

This week's article is on Preventative Maintenance. A method we were taught in the military. Prevention allows for greater awareness and being able to see things through eyes that are not caught up in the drama.

If you are having a tough time. I encourage you to go out and find someone that can fan your inner flame! If you are ok, Then be the one to fan someone else's flame! I love you bunches, Namaste - Reverend AJ

Preventative Maintenance VS Reactionary Prayer

Meditation is a form of Preventative Maintenance which can release an individual from the burdens of reactionary prayer. The prayed-up individual is able to face a storm but sees the peace in the middle of it. Allowing the self to settle into grace, even while the storms are raging outside of the temple.

Preventative Maintenance VS Reactionary Prayer

Hutch Update

Hutchie is an incredibly happy dog. I am pretty sure that this is the happiest dog that I have ever been with. He just really enjoys doing life. Especially loves the fact that I am with him most of the day. It is rare that he is not hanging out with me. Although I do leave him home for short periods of time to alleviate any separation anxiety issues he may have to endure down the road.

The training goes well. This dog is really good at following my direction when we are on our journey. He knows and understands. 1. Stay with me 2. heel 3. sit 4. lay down 5. shake hands. I am also able to correct him if he gives me the wrong paw. Then he switches to the right paw. 6. Turn to the left, and turn to the right. 7. We stop at every corner, I have him sit and think about it for a second. Then we cross the street. 8. If I say "place" he is to go on my left side and sit awaiting further instruction. 

He looks at me with those big baby eyes and just drinks in working together. It is quite amazing.

It occurred to me during meditation that we both have a job to do. To bring the light to the world. He seems to understand what I mean by that too.

Happy Tail Wags


A new section added to the archives!

I have taken all of the original works that I wrote and transcribed them from my songbook. To their own section on the site called Poetry. I will be adding more original content in the near future too. It has been a while since I have written anything and I am anxious to add more light. Some of the poetry was written during the journey of my own dark night of the soul. But I have new victories and fresh perspectives to expound upon with new language in the story. 

The poetry section is in the archives here:


Song Of The Day

The Song of The Day this week is by Wuauquikuna

These are two brothers who are from Ecuador. They base their music on folklore. The music is something else and very much out of this world at times. They really deliver peace and transcend most of today's music. They have learned their own peace and travel mostly around Europe performing in concerts. The name translates to brothers.

The official Wuauquikuna website.

"MOTHER EARTH" Wuauquikuna (Official Music Video)

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Document Updated April 11, 2022

Document Updated April 10, 2022

Document Created April 9, 2022
