Friday, February 11, 2022
Volume Three | Episode Eleven | Session One Hundred Eighty-One
Streamed live on Monday & Friday at 8:30 AM
Order Of Service
- 8:30 - 8:38 Centering And Releasing
- 8:38 - 8:50 Reflection background sound
- 8:50 - 8:53 Silent Contemplation No Background Audio
- 8:53 - 9:00 Renewal And Restoration Reset
Greetings and welcome to the Garden of Love.
If you have one, I invite you to light your candle at this time.
This is a centering and releasing program designed to fit whatever works for you. I invite you to do whatever works for you. For some, it is practicing Tai Chi, while others read poetry, and others have read sacred texts. Whatever works for you to connect is what I encourage you to do.
May grace, and peace, and abundance be your revelation today.
Come beloved let us find our daily anchor. That place where we find peace, that place where we find the still small voice. That ever so gently speaks to us and helps us to find our center.
"My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together."
Desmond Tutu
May our humanity be bound up in one another today. So that we can become human together.
I invite you to take a deep breath in through the nose and exhale through the mouth. Take another deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth. One last time, deep breath through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
Today's exercise picture a golden ball in your chest. allow that pure golden ball to grow bigger so that it encompasses your entire body. Now allow that glowing ball to do whatever work that needs to be done within. Make that glowing ball grow so that it encompasses the entire earth. The entire sphere of the earth. Now allow that golden ball to do whatever works needs to be done wherever there may be something that needs to be worked on. Let that glowing ball shrink back down to where it is only encompassing your body. What is it that you may need to release today? What is it that you may need to celebrate today? I invite you to do so at this time.
We let love build a house today. We let love complete the mission today. We allow love to complete ourselves today. Thank you, God, for today.
Beloved, I invite you to discover what it is that things that may be saying to your heart space this morning. Those things that will help you to find your way. As together we allow the light within in the silence.
Ten minutes of silent meditative music, followed by five minutes of complete silence.
Gently bring yourself back to the room in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Welcome back
I invite you to hold onto peace today. To find your way in the center and I encourage you to be strong and of good courage. To be assertive in your beliefs. A strong mind and a tender heart.
"Hold fast to your dreams. for if dreams die life is a broken-winged bird that cannot fly."
Langston Hughes
I invite you to discover your dreams today. I invite you to discover what is in your heart. I invite you to explore and become what you wish for. That is my prayer for you this morning.
That you are gentle with yourself so that you in turn may be gentle with others.
Beloved, be a lighthouse to the world rather than a storm.
The light of God surrounds us.
The love of God enfolds us.
The power of God protects us.
The presence of God watches over us.
Wherever we are, God is, and all is well.
I love you. I bless you.
I appreciate you.
I behold the incredible gift to the world that you are.
Thank you for your presence in the Garden of Love
Go in peace beloved and Namaste.
Document Created On February 11, 2022