There were 2 Souls in attendance on Zoom today.
Monday April 5, 2021
Volume Two, Episode 3 Session Seventy-Four
Background Meditation Music
Easy Keys - Pete Calgaro
Opening Quote
“Precious jewel, you glow, you shine, reflecting all the good things in the world. Just look at yourself.” ~ Maya Angelou
Today's Sacred Text
“Beloved, let us love one another, because love is from God; everyone who loves is born of God and knows God." 1 John 4:7 NRSV
Today's Theme
Love Lifts Us Up
"Love springs from my belly like a deep well."
Closing Quote
“Keep looking up… that’s the secret of life.” ~ Charlie Brown
Good morning and welcome to prayer and meditation. So happy to see you this morning. This morning in my own private meditation. The word cleave kept popping into my head. It is an interesting word you see. It means to latch onto something, usually in a marriage situation, I invite you to continue to cleave to God. For God so loved the world indeed. The day after Easter. Easter doesn't end on a day. It is a continuation. It is a constant in the Universe. The flowers are blooming, the Robins are returning. The Geese are honking. Soon we will see the Sandhill Cranes in the Marsh. I don't know about you, but I am ready for this. Last year was difficult for all of us. This year my personal prayer, abundance for all. We can do this, we got this. We will make it through.
Awake, awake o my soul. why do you tremble so.
This morning I accept the dance of love. The ability to just allow all that is. What is meant to be, to become. "Precious jewel, you glow, you shine. reflecting all the good things in the world." - Maya Angelou.
Please find a comfortable position and allow peace to settle in. Monday is moon day. It is a representation of the home. So, I invite peace into our homes. Into the inner sanctuary to allow love to freely flow through the halls and the corridors and various rooms of our households. To allow love to enfold our entire environment. To allow love to sprinkle the blessings of abundance upon us.
Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. One more time. Breathe in through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Such a powerful centering technique for cleansing the monkey mind.
Today's sacred text from the book of First John Chapter Four and verse Seven. Beloved let us love one another, because love is from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. Let that sink in for a minute. love, is from God. Everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. such an incredible revelation. It truly is. Thank you God, for love, for peace, for joy and understanding. I am grateful, I truly am. The love of God knows us because of Love. Because of love we understand oneness.
Let us say the doxology together. There is but one presence and one power in my life. God the good. It is such a beautiful, beautiful thing. That God the good is with us always. That it is a power in our lives. So let us light a candle in our heart space this morning. So that we can remember the poor and the suffering. Those around the entire world. Bless god. We pray for financial security for all beings. Both businesses and people, that they would be blessed in abundance. Spread it around O God. Spread it around. Help us to be a little more gentle with ourselves so that we can be gentle with others. Show us the revelation of how to lay down our swords in service to one another. if there be any that I need forgiveness from. I pray that you would heal them O God and allow them to let that burden go. If I need to forgive anyone prepare my heart so that it does not hurt so much. That I just allow that pain to dissipate into the Aether. Breathing in this wonderful experience. Remember that you can return to your center at any time. Simply by focusing on your breath. Beloved I invite you now to discover what is yours to do in the silence.
(Ten Minutes Of Silence)
Such a wonderful, wonderful day. The sun is shining. The birds are returning. Renewal is coming, for it has already happened in the Spirit realm. Thank you God. That all we need to do is tap into the majestic power. The mystery of divinity. "Keep looking up. That is the secret of life." - Charlie Brown.
The theme for today. Love lifts us up. Love springs from the belly like a deep well is the affirmation. I will say it once, then I invite you to say it with me. Love lifts us up. Love springs from the belly like a deep well. Together: Love lifts us up. Love springs from the belly like a deep well.
What a blessing that that still small voice comes up from the belly and rises up like a fountain. We truly are blessed and human beings on a spiritual journey. I thank God for that, I really do. As you go forward with your day. Please be gentle with yourself so that you can be gentle with others. I invite you to be a lighthouse to the world rather than a storm. Would you join me in this prayer. We love you, we bless you, we appreciate you, and we behold the Christ you are.
Let the rain fall down, let that rain fall down on me
This latter rain I've been waiting for
The the rain fall down right now.
Let the rain fall down, let that rain fall down on you.
This latter rain you've been waiting for
Let the rain fall down right now.
Let that rain fall down on you and I
Let that love fall down, let that love fall down on me
This love I've been waiting for, this deep love fall down right now.
Let that love fall down, this deep love fall down on you
Deep love fall down right now
Love fall down on you and I
Go in peace beloved, and Namaste.
Document Created On April 5, 2020 By AJ White-Wolf