There were 3 Souls in attendance on Zoom today.
Monday April 23, 2021
Volume Two | Episode Twelve | Session Eighty-Two
Streamed live on Sunday, Monday, Friday at 8:30 AM
Order Of Service
- 8:15 - 8:29 Prelude
- 8:29 - 8:30 Moment Of Silence
- 8:30 - 8:40 Prayer & Meditation
- 8:40 - 8:50 Meditation
- 8:50 - 9:00 Prayer & Meditation
Background Meditation Music
Easy Keys - Pete Calgaro
Opening Quote
"Everything that you can imagine is real." Pablo Picasso
Today's Sacred Text
"The only thing that counts is faith working through love." Galatians 5:6 NRSV
Today's Theme
Working Faith
I am faith working through love.
Closing Quote
"I pray each day that every human being. Indeed every sentient being, should be happy. So if you come across individuals facing problems. help them share their problems. Try to bring them peace of mind. Wherever you live, try to create a happy community." The Dalai Lama
Gosh what a beautiful magnificent glorious day. So beautiful outside right now. Amen
So glad you can join me this morning for morning prayer and meditation.
I have so much gratitude for all that is. all that was, and all that will be. So grateful and I truly hope that your day is one of gratitude. Before we get to far into prayer and meditation today. I want to clarify that these sessions are not my program. Whatever works for you during the sessions. Make it happen.
Grace, peace and abundance be yours today. Amen
Today we come together to find our daily anchor. I am so grateful that I have found a way to find my daily anchor. that thing that centers me and provides a way for me to enjoy life a little bit more. Everything that you can imagine is real. My childhood hero said. That was Pablo Picasso. Let me repeat that again. Everything that you can imagine is real. Thank you God, that all I need to do is imagine what needs to happen, what needs to take place. What a blessing!
The sacred text for this morning is from the book of Galatians Chapter Five and Verse six. The only thing that counts is faith working through love. Amen. Paul had to clarify to the Galatians that certain physical things wasn't what made you a righteous person. He was trying to say dear ones is that the only thing that counts is faith working through love.
There is but one presence and one power in my life, God the good.
So lets go back to Pablo for a second. Imagine God the good working through you right now. For whatever it is you need in this space. Know that is real. Thank you God. Breath in through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Light a candle in your heart space with me this morning. Imagine peace, imagine peace for yourself. Imagine peace throughout the halls and the corridors and the rooms in your home. Imagine peace in your neighborhood, in your city, in the great state that you live in. in this country, and imagine peace around the entire world. Then bring it back down to your heart space again.
As we step into this powerful time of meditation. I invite you to figure out what it is for you to get to that space. For some it's sitting in the silence. For others its a favorite poem or a dream journal, or a vision journal. even a vision board. whatever it is to get you to align yourself with the perfect vibration in the center. I am inviting you to do so my friends in the silence.
(Ten Minutes of Meditation)
The psalmist wrote, on the day I called. you answered me.
I pray each day that every human being. Indeed every sentient being, should be happy. So if you come across individuals facing problems. help them share their problems. Try to bring them peace of mind. Wherever you live, try to create a happy community. The Dalai Lama
I will give thanks with my whole heart. I will sing praise. I bow down toward the Holy Temple and give thanks. For steadfast love, o steadfast love and faithfulness. Amen, faithfulness is a beautiful thing.
The theme for today: working faith. I will say the affirmation once. then I invite you to repeat it with me. I am faith working through love. together, I am faith working through love.
Bless God o my soul and all that is within me. as you go through your day today. Please be gentle with yourself so that you can be gentle with others. do your best today to be a lighthouse to the world rather than a storm. It is so easy to either be the lighthouse or the storm. It is our choice which we would be. I invite you to pray the blessing with me for yourself and for the whole world. we love you , we bless you, we appreciate you, and we behold the Christ you are. Amen
Be still and know I am God
Be still and know I am God
Be still and know I am God
Be still and know I am God
Be still and know I am God
Be still and know I am God
Beloved I Pray, that you would go in peace today.
Document Created On April 23, 2020 By AJ White-Wolf