There were 8 Souls in attendance on Zoom today.
Friday July 31, 2020
Today's Sacred Text
1 Peter 1:22
"Now that you have purified your souls by your obedience to the truth. So that you have genuine mutual love, love one another deeply from the heart.”
That there is but one presence, and one power in my life, God the Good.
Today's Theme
Love One Another
I love others and allow myself to be loved
The Blessing
We love you, we bless you, we appreciate you, and we behold the Christ you are!
A very good morning beloved. I am so happy to be here with you and to have you join me in this virtual space this morning.
I have a confession to make. Through and facilitating these prayer and meditation services over these past few months. I have a greater appreciation for going into the deep. I feel more centered and at peace, than I ever have in my life. Over these past few months.
So no matter if you're struggling or if you are ok, I dedicate today's service to you.
Take a deep breath through your nose, and exhale through your mouth.
Picture the Holy Spirit with a pitcher of oil. Holy anointing oil. Allow the Holy Spirit to pour it ever so gently over your head. Feel it cover and cleanse the body.
I invite you to find that innermost part of you. Maybe even that inner child. Reach out, warm welcoming arms. Embrace him or her in love. Take in another deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Allowing everything that needs to be accomplished to just happen. We allow anything that needs to be released that no longer serves us. peace be still.
Thank you, God, that we have such an ability to just plug in. The sacred text for today is from the book of peter chapter one and verse twenty-two. Now that you have purified your souls by your obedience to the truth. So that you have genuine mutual love, love one another deeply from the heart. I love you beloved. I hold you right now in sacred space.
Know at all times that there is but one presence, and one power in our lives, God the good.
We light a candle in our heart space a representation of all our prayer needs this morning. If we have no prayer needs, we light that same candle for any that may have prayer needs. So many suffering around the world right now. I pray for a healing. That those bodies. Those cells would regenerate and heal. That good medicines would take place, and good therapies. As well as good preventative medicine that is healthy for us. those people living around the world living in isolation as they properly distance themselves. We love you. May the log jams that are holding back financial blessings for the businesses and the people be removed. Let those divine blessings flow to all. So that we can have a world that works for all. Allow us to be gentle with ourselves so that we can be a little bit kinder to others. Forgive us for anything we may have committed against our brothers or sisters. We release anything done to us. we love you. Take in another deep breath through the nose and exhale through your mouth. Breathe in this beautiful, wonderful experience, pure joy and living. Through better living and loving, we sleep better at night.
if during meditation anything crops up into your mind, your heart space. Let it sit there for a second, process it. ask yourself if it continues to serve you. If it doesn't pray for the ability to release and let go. i invite you to go into the deep beloved. To hang out with your inner child today in love as we sit in the silence.
(ten minutes of silence)
In life, it certainly takes a lot less energy to love, than to be the opposite of love.
Sweet spirit help us to love a little bit more.
The theme for today is Love One Another. I will say the affirmation once and I invite you to repeat it with me. I love others and I allow myself to be loved. Together, I love others and I allow myself to be loved.
Thank you for your presence to life and your commitment to prayer and meditation. It truly is a good morning. So we should always wake up and just be awesome. Because if we be gentle first with ourselves, we can be gentle with others. Be a lighthouse to the world beloved, rather than a storm. That lighthouse doesn't try to change the storm. But provides a light for the path that others may travel.
I invite you to pray the blessing for yourself and for the whole entire world. We love you, we bless you, we appreciate you and we behold the Christ you are.
Go in peace beloved, and Namaste
There Is Only Love - Karen Drucker
Document Created On July 31, 2020 By AJ White-Wolf