Prayer & Meditation 4.4.2020

There were 2 Souls in attendance on Zoom today.

Monday April 4, 2021
Volume Two, Episode 2 Session Seventy-Three

Background Meditation Music

Easy Keys - Pete Calgaro

Opening Quote

“Accept right now that you are magnificent. Being your real, true, authentic self is what’s most awesome about you.” ~ Gabby Bernstein

Today's Sacred Text

“Remember, I am with you always" - Matthew 28:20 NRSV

Today's Theme

Strength Within You


"The Awesome Activity of God is with me always"

Closing Quote

"Be who you were created to be and you will set the world on fire." ~ Catherine of Siena


Good morning beloved, welcome to White-Wolf Ministries Prayer and Meditation service. So grateful that you are here this morning to join us. May we float into the mystery today. This morning, we let faith in. We allow ourselves to see the amazing things in store for us today. Accept right now that you are magnificent. Being your real, true, authentic self. It's what is most awesome about you. Gabby Bernstein.

Please find a comfortable position. Peace be still and know I am God. Take in a deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Take in another deep breath through your nose and exhale through your mouth. This is the key to the lock, to the door of the Kingdom of Heaven. We allow all that needs to be accomplished, all that needs to be released to be let go of. Thank you God for this ability to accept and to release. 

The sacred text for today is from the book of Mathew Chapter Twenty-Eight and verse twenty. "Remember, I am with you always." 

Thank you God for the ability to always find the center. No matter the circumstance. No matter the good or the bad. You are always with us and I appreciate that so much. Beloved I invite you to be open and present and receive the awesome activity of God. Because dear ones. There is but one presence and one power in my life. God the good. Just let that sink in for a moment. That there is but one presence and one power in my life. that is God the good. God knows our hearts and our minds. We are one. Let us together, this morning. Light a candle in our heart space. A representation of all that we have going on. All that our loved ones may be dealing with. Yea, even beyond ourselves and our loved ones. The entire world. We pray for those suffering around the globe. That you would lift them up o God. That you would hold them as I hold them right now in prayer. Just wrap your arms around their spirits. Give them well being in abundance. Thank you God for the financial security for both the business and the people world wide. That all can be blessed. There is enough to spread it around. Open our hearts and our minds to see what is ours to do four ourselves, for our families, for the world. Prepare our hearts and our minds to be a little more gentle with ourselves. So we in turn can be just a little more gentle with others. I pray for forgiveness, of anything that I may have done to any other soul or being in this world. I pray for a healing and forgiveness for anyone that I may have hurt. Knowingly or unknowingly.

Together we inhale through the nose. We exhale through the mouth.

Beloved you can return to this place of peace at any time during this meditation. Simply by focusing on your breath. Breathing in through the nose and releasing it through the mouth. exhaling all that you are dealing with. so breath in this wonderful experience and powerful presence and exhale whatever it took to get here. I invite you beloved to discover just what is yours, what do you need to accomplish today? or not accomplish? it is there if we listen in the silence.

(Ten minutes of silence)

Wasn't that wonderful? To just be able to connect with God on a Sunday morning. A special Sunday morning indeed. Be who you were created to be, and you will set the world on fire. Catherine of Siena.

The theme for today is Strength within you. I will say the affirmation once and then I invite you to repeat it with me. The awesome activity of God is with me always. Together, The awesome activity of God is with me always.

I am so grateful that the awesome activity of God is with me always. No matter anything that I am dealing with. No matter if I am strong, or weak. The awesome activity of God is with me always. We are human beings on a spiritual journey. God is the source of our spirituality. Therefore no matter what we are doing. Great or small. In our presence the awesome activity of God is with me always. that just gives me the joy of the Lord deep within my soul. I hope as you continue your day today. That you look at the awesome activity of God in your life. That you realize and recognize that God is working through you in magnificent ways. What a blessing, what an amazing blessing. 

Please pray the blessing with me for the world and for yourself. we love you, we bless you, we appreciate you and we behold the Christ you are. As you go through your day please be gentle with yourself and be gentle with others. You know my mantra. Be a lighthouse to the world rather than the storm. It is so easy to be either one. the lighthouse or the storm. It is really up to you and I, which one we are going to chose.

I send my love over the mountains, I send me love over the seas. I send my love into the heavens, and it returns to me. and it returns to me. (lyrics by Karen Drucker)

Go in peace beloved and namaste.


Document Created On April 5, 2020 By AJ White-Wolf