Challenge To Individuals And Institutions
Do no harm, but help!
There are many wonderful groups, both Secular non-Religious and The Religious Institutions that work tirelessly for homeless and those living in poverty. These wonderful programs do a lot of good.
The problem? There just is not enough resources to help all of our suffering. I encourage your group or institution to rise up. To help make that burden a little bit lighter on the existing systems in place to help people.
Some ways that can help:
- Support this Ministry with monthly, yearly, or one time donations.
- Invite The Reverend AJ White-Wolf to come and Perform and Speak.
- Establish Men’s and Women’s Transitional Housing Shelters.
- Help build Tiny House Communities that focus on social services to those in need.
- Purchases Hotels, foreclosures and empty buildings for temporary housing.
It isn't enough to volunteer at Soup Kitchens, or Community Free Meals. The only aspect that this takes care of is immediate hunger. Feeding the poor is at the bottom of Maslow's Hierarchy Of Needs. So many individuals are quite literally dying on our streets.
In December of 2018, An Army Veteran was released from the V.A. Hospital in the middle of the night. It was during a very frigid cold snap with sub zero temperatures. They found his frozen body the next morning in a Parking Ramp in downtown Madison, Wisconsin, USA.
The following video is a News Report on that incident.
The truly disturbing part about this. I am kind of a news hound. I tune in daily to the local news. Sometimes up to three times a day. I saw no local coverage of this situation. Every year a half dozen die here in the winter time. Most of the time, you only hear of it from other homeless people. The news travels faster than the media sometimes on the streets.
I implore you to do more. If every church sponsored 1 to 20 homeless people and their families. The math can be dependent on your groups membership count We could elevate a lot more people. Not one should die alone on a sub zero winter's night. Not one.
Please call together your institutions leadership and brainstorm. Look for ways that go beyond thinking inside of the box. Think of ways that would get people into safe affordable transitional housing situations and permanent affordable housing.
Individuals can help the cause too
If you are in a position that allows you to offer philanthropy that works toward the goals of resolving the homeless issue. I implore you to consider this Ministry, or any other program that gives those with out housing security a lift up.
Document written by The Reverend AJ White-Wolf
Further Reading: